Monday, March 16, 2020

To The Hilt

"Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord invincible in battle. Open up the ancient gates...let the King of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord Almighty - He is the King of glory." Psalm 24-8-10...."I would recommend you either believe God up to the hilt, or else not to believe at all." Charles Spurgeon
There's a statement much needed in the church today that I think we've lost sight of. Hopefully not completely. That is, we're to leave, always, room for His glory. A question to ask ourselves, particularly in these tumultuous times, is do we, are we? Or, are our hearts and minds so filled, indeed paralyzed, with such fear, anxiety, stress, that there is no room at all for anything else? Particularly the witness of His glory in all of it. Are we far more attuned to the voices of the talking heads on the cable news networks than we are to the voice of the Holy Spirit? Do we listen and believe what the so called experts in science and medicine tell us over and above what He speaks? Do we even hear Him speaking at all? Has the hysteria of the flesh drowned out not only His voice, but the expectation of His sovereign grace? Have we, with our unbelief, closed the "gates," the very gates of our hearts? Can the King of glory enter in where we have lost all expectation of Him doing that?
I believe we are right now far more in a panic than pandemic. Yet, this virus is just the latest symptom of how easily we forget Him in the midst of these happenings. Does anyone remember Y2K of two decades ago? People lost their minds in fearful apprehension of what would happen with a worldwide computer crash that would send us back into the dark ages. Many of them were believers. Since then we've seen many national and worldwide crises arise. In all of them, God spoke to those who were listening, to those who knew their God. Those who could "be still and know that He is God." To these He revealed His glory. They saw Him in the midst of deep and personal need. It is always this way. Those who stand on the Rock that is Jesus Christ will see His glory, and in amazing ways. These are the ones who, as Spurgeon writes, believe Him "to the hilt." I want to numbered among them. Do you?
I believe the enemy of our souls is unleashing his hatred upon this world and particularly upon the people of God. This virus is not his first assault and it won't be his last. He depends upon fear, unbelief, and panic. His power thrives there. For you and me, our response must be, in this and all things, a settled assurance that we see Him, His works, His protection, His glory, in all of it. The danger, be it the virus, the economy, the political situation, is real. He is more real. Anne Graham Lotz said our response needs to be a crying out to Him.... from our knees. I agree, and in doing so, I believe we will see His glory, and in a multitude of ways. Let us believe the hilt. Or else, let us not believe Him at all. I've made my choice. What's yours?
Pastor O

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