Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Nothing Impossible

"For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37......"God is the God of promise. He keeps His word even when that seems impossible." Colin Urquhart....."We often limit our vision to what we know to be in the realm of possibility - not as God defines possibility, but as we define it." Chris Tiegreen
As a nation and as His church within that nation, we are facing a situation and situations that few, if any of us have ever faced before. Mass shutdowns, even of churches, are taking place. Fear and panic are rampant, hoarding of goods is as well. People are afraid to venture outside of their homes. The church in America is being challenged as never before, and on every level; financially, physically, emotionally, and above all spiritually. Here's a reality we may not want to face, but must; our belief in the truth of Luke 1:37 is going to be challenged on every one of those levels.
It's easy to say we believe in His words when we are not in the position of actually having to do so. We are now having to do that. I think the majority of His people don't live in the realm of the Holy Spirit. We tend to depend on our abilities, not His. So we end up doing exactly what Tiegreen says; we think of Him doing what we think is possible, not in what He says is. I've a friend who says we tend to live in the realm of possibility thinking and not that of nothing will be impossible. There's a huge gap between the two. Which one are we, are you, currently living in? Be assured of this, you can't live in the gap between them, though a large segment of the church has been trying to do so.
What comes to my mind as I write is the scene of Israel at the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army coming at their rear with the intention of returning them to their slavery. They could not go forward or backward. They couldn't go anywhere. They were powerless. Into the impossibility spoke the voice of God, "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." The sea parted, the people went through, and then, that same sea destroyed the Egyptians who sought to follow. A fable you say? That event was so burned into the consciousness of the Jews that it remains central in their faith system to this day. It must be so in that of the Christian. Dangers, needs, national emergencies are real. The Almighty God of all the earth is more real. In Jeremiah 32:27 He asks, "Is anything too difficult for Me?" We can live in the realm of that which we believe is possible, or in the living faith of nothing is impossible with God. What's your choice?
Pastor O

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