Wednesday, March 11, 2020


"Heal the sick, and tell them, 'The Kingdom of God is near you now.' " Luke 10:9....."In showdowns between Jesus and sin, Jesus and circumstances, Jesus and lack, Jesus and the dark forces of this world, and even Jesus and death, Jesus wins....No obstacle in life is a match for the King who lives within you." Chris Tiegreen
I think it was Spurgeon who said something on the order of, "I have a great need, and I have a greater God to meet that need." We need to know that truth. Just as we need to know and believe the ultimate truth that greater is He that is in and with us, than anything, ANYTHING, that is in the world, in men, and in hell, that can ever come against us. Jesus often said, "Take courage." Someone said that we will either "take courage, or take fear." For the believer there should be no taking of fear. "Showdowns" with the forces of darkness will come. We need to have settled the question as to who will win those contests. Who it is that's already won all those contests. It is Jesus... every time.
I believe that right now, the devil is working overtime to make our hearts melt with fear. Fears about a virus spreading. Fears about a suddenly shaky stock market. Fears about what he would have us believe is our shaky future. These on top of the everyday fears that come at us from a multitude of different places and angles.These things will force a "showdown" between what it is we say we believe about our Almighty God, and what the enemy is currently threatening us with through our circumstances. We will not be spared from tribulations. The kingdoms of this world will be shaken. They are being shaken. If we are standing on the foundation of His unshakable Kingdom, how can we give in to fear?
It may be that you're in the kind of showdown Tiegreen speaks of right now. Your need may be greater than anything you've ever faced before. Your lack may be as well. Everything may be against you. The showdown is happening. All that you have proclaimed to concerning your faith in Him is being put to the test. Can you stand firm in the belief that He will, in His time and way, bring you the victory in that showdown? Will you take courage....or will you take fear?
Years ago, in the midst of a record breaking cold winter and living on a lonely church campground. I had a part in such a "showdown." My marriage was in the midst of divorce, I had to step out of ministry, and I was working in a job that was difficult, to put it mildly. I came home one night, defeated and discouraged. I sought His Word, and came across the Scripture where Paul describes his standing before the judgement seat of Caesar, the most powerful man in the world. He said, "At my first defense, no one stood with me, but Christ came beside me." That was my showdown moment. As I read those words, I saw in my heart and mind a picture of Him coming beside me, also alone, and standing beside me. With me. As He did so, all those things that were coming against me melted actuality, put to flight by the One who is Conqueror and Victor. He won the showdown, and in Him, I did too. He will win yours as well...if you take courage, and not fear.
The showdowns may well just be beginning. Let us all take courage, take Christ, and not fear and the scheme of the enemy. The real showdown took place on Calvary and at the tomb. He's already won it. Won it all.
Pastor O

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