Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sacred Moments

"He then went a little farther, fell to the ground, and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him." Mark 14:35...."God is calling you to go deeper in your prayer life with Him. If you are willing to be the person Jesus can take with Him into the most sacred moments, you will experience things only the angels shared with Jesus that night." Henry Blackaby
Sacred moments. These are what we're to partake of with, and in Him.....if we're willing to go farther with Him. Farther than the general crowd that loosely followed. Most didn't even know He was there. Farther than Judas, who had already chosen his own agenda over the purpose of Christ. Farther than the majority of the disciples, who took rest, and never even entered into prayer with Him. Farther even then the inner three, who began to keep watch with Him, but soon fell asleep. Only the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the ministering angels, know what took place spiritually in that Garden, yet it was not meant to be so. Jesus had invited His disciples to enter in His "sacred moment," but none did. How like them are we?
Christ came into this world in a tumultuous time, yet a perfect one, for the Father, for the Son, and though they didn't know it, the people He came to save as well. We are living in a tumultuous time as well. Far more so than any of us have ever experienced. He is here in the midst of it, but has He really entered into it with you and me? Or more correctly, have we entered into it with Him? What sacred moments has He offered to us that we've missed? As He seeks to stretch our faith, deepen our understanding, and widen our sight, He bids us to come farther with Him, out of comfort zones, into a place that we've never known before.
We are praying...a lot. Of what do our prayers consist? From what place in our hearts do they come? The disciples were afraid. They knew something world changing was about to happen, though they weren't sure just what. It was Christ's desire that they join Him in seeking the Father, that they do something that is not much talked of these days, and that is to "pray through" everything that stood between them and into the indescribable peace, joy, hope, and well-being found in Him. The awful reality of the cross was before Jesus. His humanity knew the pain it held, most especially what the cost would be. All the disciples were in various stages of fear, and that fear continued to hold them after the crucifixion. They were meant to break through that fear unto the Father, alongside their Master. They would have, if only they'd have gone a little farther with Him. They missed their sacred moment. Will we?
In these earth shaking times, we need a people praying through all the fear, panic, anxiety, and other forces arrayed against His people. We can only do so if we are willing to go farther. Farther into intimacy, oneness, and fullness of His life. If we will, we will have those sacred moments with Him. We will see, hear, think as He wishes us to. We will not be held in the grip of fear and death, but in that of hope and life.
Like Christ, our flesh desires that this hour would pass, especially that it would pass us by. His Spirit calls us to step out....farther, deeper, in this hour than we ever have before. We cannot miss this sacred moment which will yield sacred fruit, sacred lives, and a sacred church. Such awaits us if we, like Him, will go farther.
Pastor O

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