Friday, March 13, 2020


"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." Proverbs 3:3.....Put everything you have into the care of your heart, for it determines what your life amounts to." Dallas Willard...."Love and faithfulness define Him. Do they define you? Let them saturate your heart." Chris Tiegreen
The Bible, from the prophets to Jesus Christ and His disciples, makes clear that who we are is centered in our hearts. Not the physical heart, but the heart of our soul and being. All that we are is centered there, and all that is our heart is subject to influences and control. That is why His Word repeatedly tells us to keep watch over our hearts, for that which we allow into our hearts get "written" there. If the "writing" there reflects the value system of a lost and dying world-culture, than that writing will influence and direct every aspect of our being. Our hearts really are a tablet upon which both the devil and the Holy Spirit will seek to write. One or the other will do the writing. Who's writing upon yours and mine?
Paul talked about those he ministered to as his "letters" to a lost world. He said that they were his letter, written upon his heart. What came from his heart reached out to theirs, and then through them, his "letters", unto a world desperate to "read" them. It is still the same. Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, still seeks to write His love letters to a fallen humanity through the heart tablets of His people. What has He been able to write of late upon yours and mine? What are those around us "reading?" Do they read of love, mercy, joy, peace, holiness? Or, do they read of anger, judgement, unforgiveness, selfishness, fear? One thing is certain; we will be read, and regardless of who we might say is the "Author of our faith," the real writer will be revealed through our words, actions, and behaviors.
Many years ago I walked through a period of life where my tablet offered little of His life. I was in a place where I could have been so much more of a witness for Him, a letter from Him, but I wasn't. Self-pity, discouragement, anger, all of these kept me from being so. It is a period that, though I'm forgiven, I remember. I remember because I lost the chance to be His witness, His letter from His heart. Those chances were lost, and won't return. Which is why I seek to be, in every place, a tablet that offers up a new page to a dead culture wherever I am. By His grace, I hope I am.
So, just what is it that saturates your heart and mine? That which does will be written on our hearts....and read by those around us, our mates, our children, our friends, neighbors and co-workers. Today, when they come into contact with you and me, what will they be reading?
Pastor O

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