Wednesday, January 15, 2025

This Thing

I write a lot about trust in these offerings. That's because going ever deeper into our trust in Him is a lifelong journey. There is so much I have come to trust Him completely in and with. There is just as much or more than I continue to learn of what trust in Him really is. This is a journey we cannot avoid if we wish to truly step into our destiny with Him.

In Deuteronomy 1:28-32, Moses is speaking to the people upon the return of the 12 who'd been sent out to explore the land God had given the Israelites. Two of the 12, Caleb and Joshua, urged the people to step out and take possession of this wondrous land He had given them. The key phrase here is, "He had given them." It was already theirs. The remaining 10 were gripped with fear at the prospect. Danger and risk were everywhere. Obstacles abounded. The hearts of the 10 and those who heard them melted with fear. Moses confronted them in it. He related to them all the miracles God had wrought in bringing them to this place. In verse 32 he says, "But for all this, you did not trust the Lord your God for this thing. Two questions must be answered: What events have brought you to this place and, what is this thing for which you cannot trust Him?

For me, there have been too many of these things that I struggle to give to Him in trust. The Hebrew understanding of the word "trust" is that it is "something that is known in the head and felt in the heart." For our own particular "things," we may mouth the words of trust from our heads, but our hearts seem to know nothing of it. In these places with these things, our hearts are heavy and weary. The deeper the mistrust, the more heavy the load and the more weary we are. We need healing. We need to be healed of our determination to do in our lives what only He can do. The pressure of this will always crush us. In the end, it will destroy us.

How did we get to where we are in our faith journey thus far? What have we seen from His hand and more, what have we seen and experienced from His heart? What is "this thing," these things which bring us such heaviness? What keeps us from trusting Him with them. All of them? What area of our heart and mind needs His healing so that we can release them to Him?

We have come to this place. What things do we still carry? What things keep us from enter into the fullness of His life? What keeps us from these words from Proverbs, where we "trust Him with all our hearts, leaning not to our own understanding, acknowledging Him in all our ways?" Release this thing, these things, all things to Him. Let us enter into the rich lands of His promise. He has brought us to this place for that very purpose. Let His purpose be fulfilled in each of us.


Pastor O 

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