Monday, January 20, 2025

Taste Buds

"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8  "Our Lord gives Himself to us in experience." A.W. Tozer

I think it must be that one of the great tragedies of our spiritual life as well as being a scandal in heaven, is that despite our prayers, Bible studies, and consistent church attendance, we never really experience the triune God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In writing about Psalm 34, whose author was King David, he said, "You (David) have taste buds in your soul for tasting, for experiencing spiritual things. Taste and experience that God is good." 

Really good food is meant to tantalize your taste buds. We're not only to desire the food, but we're to desire a great portion of it. We hunger for more. All of us have natural taste buds that function very well in our lives. The very thought of some foods sets our mouths to watering as we can seem to actually taste them as we think of them. I would agree with Tozer that He has given us spiritual taste buds as well that are meant to bring about the same response in our hearts and minds. The very thought of Him should set our spiritual taste buds to "watering." Having experienced the taste of intimate fellowship with Him once should put a cravint in our spirit's that cry out for more. Is this the case for you and for me? Does it take place in our private times with Him in prayer and the reading of His Word? Are we experiencing Him in this times and places? Or are prayer lives and times in His Word simply "to do lists" that are carried out and then checked off as "Done?"

How about our gatherings for what we call "worship?" For whatever time or day it might be, are we filled with an appetite to partake of Him to the full? Are we thinking about what that particular time with Him will yield and just what we might experience? We can do so as it concerns a meal in our favorite eatery. Does it mark our times of coming into His Presence? 

The responsibility here is not just upon the ones who come before Him, but also upon those charged with bringing Him before them. Tozer speaks convicting words to all those charged with this ministry. "If preaching does not produce spiritual experience and maturing in the believer, that preaching is not being faithful to the Christ revealed in the Scriptures." I would include in this all those who minister in song and music. Do we actually seek to usher in the fullness of His Presence in every gathering and do we bathe every aspect of our corporate worship in prayer before we ever ascend the platform. If we're not, than all we have to offer is stale bread and stagnant water.

Few of us neglect our natural taste buds. We exercise them all the time. Let us repent of our giving lip service to our spiritual ones. Let us seek Him in such fullness that we experience a feast in every encounter with Him. May we taste and see that He is good. May it be our daily experience.

Pastor O


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