Do you believe in revival? Do you want to see a spiritual awakening in our nation and in the world? Do you often think and speak of how desperate are the days in which we live? If you answer yes, then very likely you have quoted and prayed 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, then I'll hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." You've probably been a part of a prayer gathering where this verse was central to the gathering. Yet, we have yet to "see" God respond as He has promised, at least not on the scale of all the prayers that have been lifted up. Where's the blockage? Is it with God, or is it with us?
Could it be that our familiarity with the verse has lulled into not seeking to understand what God is saying in the promise? Some questions from us are needed. What does it mean to be "a people called by His name?" If we are a people of His name, why is so much of our life activity carried out on behalf of our own name? Whose sin are we talking about? For sure it's about all the sin we see around us, even in His church. Is it ever about our own? How do we define sin and things like idolatry, adultery, and immorality? Where are we a part of all of that? Who is it that so desperately needs His healing? Is it ever us? And last, and maybe most of all, what does it mean to humble ourselves? Have we ever really done so?
When ancient Rome conquered an enemy, the defeated generals were required to "pass under the rod." To do so meant having to stoop very low and all while the victors were watching. It was an extremely humiliating experience for the surrendered. A.W. Tozer used this image in describing our complete surrender to Him. He said, "Whoever would possess it (His fullness of life) must pass under the rod. He must repudiate himself and concur in God's sentence against him." It's not hard to admit that the world in general, even the church, is sinking into darkness and depravity, but it is so very hard to admit that we may be a part of it. In many ways, we likely are. Passing under the rod in humble repentance is something our flesh will do anything to avoid. Where might we, you and I, be avoiding doing so today?
God is moving. He is always moving. Are you and I moving with Him? I believe that if we, His church, take with utmost sincerity His invitation in this Scripture, if we will surrender to Him and in humility, pass under the rod of His authority, He will explode upon His church as we in this generation have never seen. Yes, let us gather together in prayer, but let it be in brokenness, in surrender. In confession and repentance. Let us cry out not only for the healing of the land and of His church, but of ourselves most of all.
Pastor O
Pastor O
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