Friday, December 30, 2022


I thought I'd end this year's writings with a few "exhortations" from my prayer journal, all of which I hope to live out. May we all live them out.

"Jesus, give me eyes to see You everywhere." It is so easy to think and feel like the Lord is only involved in our lives on a part time basis. We believe that we see Him in the expected places, our worship services, devotional study and prayer time, and so on. We don't so much expect to see Him where we work, play, or spend our leisure. We especially don't expect to see Him in the lives of those He brings to us. It's in the lives of other people, especially difficult people, or needy people, or physically, emotionally, or mentally offensive people. Yet Jesus clearly stated that we would. In His parable of the sheep and the goats, He said that He had appeared to us as those who were sick, in need, or held in "prison." When we ministered to such as these, He said we ministered to Him. When we ignored them, were repelled by them, turned away from them, He said we rejected Him as we rejected them. Are you as convicted as me in this? It's so easy to look away from the unattractive, the unlovely, the ones who can only take and not give anything back. Yet it is in these that we may see His face. How many times did we miss His face in the past year in such ones? How many times will we do the same in the coming year?

"That I would live fully, deeply, boldy, in every area of my life." Jesus said that He came to give life, and to give it in abundance. Is the life you and I are living in His name worthy of the life He died to give us? Think on that. Are we day in and day out examples of spiritual mediocrity? Of holy blandness? We are to live vital lives. He has given us lives that are to make a difference in the world around us, that have an impact. Do we exhibit levels of joy, peace, wisdom, strength, and love that attract people to us, that make them want to know why and how we live as we do? Does anybody want to have the kind of life we have? Is the only thing they can say about us that marks us as different, is that we go to church? So many live waiting to die. The follower of Christ should die living their life in Him to the fullest extent possible. Are we doing so right now? No, life is not always exciting. There is the monotony of daily routine, but for the believer, even there we can live with zest, with joyful expectation. With a steadfast hope that flies in the face of all that can seek to steal His abundant life. This year, no matter our age, will we live a life that honors His life? That reflects a possession of all that He has given us in that life?

"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." John 3:8...."May we learn to be blown by the Spirit wherever He pleases." Much is written concerning living in the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, following the leading of the Spirit, almost all of it very rich. Yet, one can't live by the Spirit while remaining dull to His voice. And many of us, too many, are. Our spiritual ears aren't tuned to Him because our hearts aren't tuned to Him. His voice too often is just one of many voices seeking our attention. We can't follow someone who's directions aren't heard. To live out John 3:8 takes an intimacy most of us don't ever develop or even seek. As a result, we tend to be blown by every kind of "wind" and end up going nowhere, or worse, into places of harm and destruction. The winds of the Holy Spirit are always directed by God, and though we may have no idea where He might be leading us, we trust Him knowing that He is the wind. As we rest in Him, we can trust Him to "fill our sails" and take us along in the pathway He's chosen for us. It may go in many different directions and to many different places, but we rest and trust in that where He takes us is for our ultimate good and His ultimate glory. May we, in this coming year, be so yielded to Him, that He is able to carry us along in the steps of His will. Oftentimes not knowing where He takes us, but always trusting that it will end in His "broad place."

By His grace, I hope to live out these "exhortations" this year. May it be your heart to do so as well.


Pastor O 

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