Monday, January 2, 2023


 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16....."A candle should burn until it is all consumed; likewise a man's testimony should continue until his death. If one's candle light is to live on, then it needs to kindle another before it is completely burned out." Watchman Nee

Among many tribes and people of bygone centuries, was the practice of keeping an "eternal fire." Even if the people were nomadic, they would take some part of the fire where they'd been camped and move with it along to their next site. The fire was always burning, and in this way, because of the ongoing connection, it was "eternal." The warmth, security, and light it gave off was eternal. So must it be with the people of God. We have been given the Light of the World in Jesus Christ, and in and through us, His Light is to shine on, from generation to generation. However, this is easier said than done.

Light that is not shared will always be in danger of going out. Light that is not shared is actually being hidden, and Christ sternly warned His disciples to not conceal their light "under a bushel basket." Yet, we are not only tasked with letting His Light, which is our Light, shine before all men and women, we are also expected to live in His Light so that we "kindle" His Light in others. This is where the words of Watchman Nee come in.

Fire consumes. Scripture says that "Our God is a consuming fire." The Light that comes into our hearts through faith in Christ also consumes. It burns within us, and it is meant to kindle a fire in the hearts and lives of those who behold it. I can personally testify to this reality. The Light and fire that showed and burned in the lives of people I encountered eventually ignited the birthing of that Light and fire in my own heart. I first beheld it in the eyes of a young girl I knew in college. I remembered her as a fellow "partier" who, like me, lived to get high and have fun, all the while slowly wasting away spiritually. When I encountered her after about a year of not seeing her, I saw a young woman alive with life and His Light. It showed in her countenance, but even more so in her eyes. It impacted me and her witness stayed with me. It was the same some years later when I connected with another friend who'd lived just as hedonistic life as me. I beheld the Light of Christ in Him. I couldn't deny it. The kindling that had begun with that young girl, continued with him. Eventually, that kindling erupted into having His Light and fire enter my own heart and life through faith in Christ. Now it is my deep desire to let the Light I have been given shine before all that He brings into my life path. I want to be one who "kindles" a hunger for His Light and Life in others, just as those two already mentioned, and so many more have kindled His life in me. I want to be a "candle" that burns brightly for as long as I am here, kindling a fire as my testimony, carrying that fire, His fire, wherever I go. Do you have this desire as well? Or will you allow the cares, concerns, and many other "interests" of life, stifle the fire and light He has placed in you? Will your light be hidden? Will your candle go out?

In this coming year, more than ever, we, His people, must be candles that shine in the ever growing darkness. Candles that shine so brightly that the darkness shrinks before us. Candles whose light is so inviting that it kindles in the hearts of others a hunger for that light. A hunger that eventually brings them into that light and life, and they become candles themselves. I don't know how much longer my candle will burn on this side of eternity, but I want to burn brightly, and I want to kindle a fire within the hearts of those I encounter. May it so for me.....and may it be so for you as well.

Pastor O

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