Friday, December 2, 2022

Other Thoughts

 One of my favorite writers is a Christian psychologist named Larry Crabb. His books have ministered to me in so many different ways. Today I wanted to share with you a few of his quotes that I've written down in my prayer journal.

"What's going on in our worship that I, or anyone, wouldn't want to miss?" I posted this on Facebook recently and one of my friends replied, "The Holy Spirit." I think every bona fide believer would agree with that, but the question is, "Is the Holy Spirit actually going on' in our corporate gatherings?" I just read today the passage in 2 Chronicles and the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem by King Solomon and the nation of Israel. Twice it is related that the Spirit of God so came upon the people that the priests of the Lord could not minister. They, along with everyone else were simply overwhelmed by His Presence. Now, I am not saying that this is to be the normal worship experience for any of us, but when was the last gathering of believers that you were involved in where the Holy Spirit actually "took over?" I don't mean where you sensed His presence and knew He was there. I mean where everything, music, singing, message, every part of the planned service, fell by the wayside because He came in such a way that our plan for things was gone, and what He intended to do was taking place. A gathering where all we could do was follow His leading and let Him take us where He would? I wonder; how many of us, pastors, worship leaders, congregants would be comfortable with such a time of worship? How welcome is the Holy Spirit in His church? Can we actually surrender the course of what we're doing in what we call worship to Him? Questions that demand answers.
"Every person sitting in church is addicted to something other than God." This is an offensive statement to us. But I think it is far more true than we can admit. If we examine all the "things" that have hold of us in our lives, we can see that it is. How many of us are more connected to worry, anxiety, fear, than we are to Him? Those would not be prevailing in our lives if we weren't. We may not ever take a drug or a drink but are as much an addict as anyone who does. The internet, entertainment, sports, shopping, gaming, and yes, ministry. These and countless more can take hold of us, control us, and have much greater impact in our lives than He does. Crabb says, "Our addictions counterfeit the pleasure we're to know in Him." It's true. We seek to fill our emptiness, an emptiness only He can fill, with counterfeits. And as we turn to these counterfeits, like drugs, alcohol, and sex, we need more and more to satisfy. We're addicted to that which is not Him. So, as we contemplate these words, where in our lives are they true and we're living them out?
"We've become 'church shoppers' more than truth seekers." Jesus told us to seek first His Kingdom, but we're more prone I think to seek that which adds to our comfort, security, and perceived well-being. In 37 plus years of ministry, I think I can count on one hand the number of people I've encountered who, when seeking a church, say they are looking for a church where they can know Him more deeply. Children's ministries, teen ministries, young adults, opportunities to be on the worship team, or a place that offers a visible position are all more common than that. We're willing to do a lot of "shopping" in order to find it. This is not to mean that we shouldn't seek out the right body of believers in which to belong. It does mean that we do not approach the search as a consumer, which most do, but as a seeker of His heart. Where can I most powerfully experience Him? That ought to be the driving force. Is it? In the place you're now a part of, is that what brought you there? Or was it something much less? Something that is not really Him?
Just a few more of my, or should I say, Larry Crabb's thoughts.
Pastor O

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