Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 “I don’t have much more time to talk to you, because the ruler of this world approaches. He has no power over me. John 14:30....

"Satan is the prince of this world, but the prince has no power until the King is dead, and our King lives forever." Norval Hadley

Jesus spoke the words in John 14 as the cross loomed before Him. Satan, His and our great enemy, was certain that his purposes would be achieved by Christ's death on that cross. Everything that would unfold would seem to indicate that this was true. Jesus was seized in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was dragged before the Jewish high council, humiliated in their questioning of Him. He was then turned over to the Romans and horribly tortured before being forced to carry His cross to the site of His death on Calvary. His death would be what Satan believed would seal his victory. Except that it didn't. Jesus foresaw all that was to come upon Him. It was all part of His Father's plan for the breaking of the power of sin over a fallen and lost human race. The devil was indeed approaching Him as He spoke those words, but He knew, even in the midst of all that was to come, that he had no power over Him. All the power lies in the hands of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It still does and will forever. Because it is so with them, so it is so for we are His. It will be so now, and forever.

We live in a fallen world. Scripture says that Satan has rulership of this world and because of that evil abounds and grows. We who are His will not be immune to the attacks of a being who hates and despises our Lord and those who are His by faith. He will never cease approaching us with harmful intent. We have to know this, but we must also know that as He had no power over our Lord and Savior, he has none over us as well. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was the greatest and most powerful ruler in the world. So great was his pride that he had a huge golden statue erected of himself, demanding that all would worship him through that idol. God, through a series of events, would prove to Nebuchadnezzar how powerless he was in comparison to Him. Through Daniel the prophet, He said to Nebuchadnezzar that he must learn "that it was God who ruled in heaven." With those words, Nebuchadnezzar became an insane outcast in his own kingdom. He was humbled and he indeed learned who it was who truly reigned.

Our spiritual enemy Satan will never learn this on this side of eternity. He thought he had defeated and destroyed Christ on the cross. He didn't see the resurrection that was to come. He didn't see Christ's triumph over sin and death, and over he who is the author of sin and death. As always, he underestimated the power of the One who is the Author of Life. He still does. Just as he underestimates the power of those who are in Christ. He will ceaselessly approach and He will ceaselessly be routed because he has already been completely defeated on the cross and in Christ's resurrection. The enemy's power is always under the control of the sovereign power of God.

So long as we live in this physical realm, we will be exposed to his attacks. We need to be aware of this and aware and discerning of his approaches. But we must live in the sure truth that he has no power over us. All the power lies in the One who is the true King, and who gives His power freely to those who are His. Who are His children. We must be a people who know our enemy, but even more, who know our God, who know our Lord and Savior, and who we are in Him. The author of death could not hold the Author of Life. Neither can he hold us. May we live in this truth, this power, this life.

Pastor O

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