Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 It's been more than a week since Hurricane Helene swept through much of the southeast portion of America. The devastation has been horrendous and as of this writing, 100's remain missing and are feared dead. Whole towns have disappeared, swept away by raging flood waters. People's homes and businesses have been destroyed. One can only imagine the intense sense of loss and sorrow the victims of this storm must be experiencing. 

In this time we've heard much of those who are "the first responders," and well we should, for the role of these heroes can't be overstated. However, there is One who responds before all others. There is One who is "on site" before any other, Jesus Christ the Lord. I pray for the care and provision of all those who have fallen victim to this crushing storm, but even more, I pray that in the midst of the sorrow and pain, they would turn to Him. Turn to the One that no hurricane, flood, or earthquake can move. In the devastation, He is speaking.

In Scripture, Jesus exhorted His hearers to "build their house upon a rock," and not upon sand, for the house built upon sand could not stand. He was not giving general contracting advice. He was speaking to what the very foundation of our lives are to be built upon. Lives that are built upon a foundation of trust in self, or government, or just plain "luck," are lives that have sand as their foundation. Destruction can strike a life in unlimited ways, death, divorce, violent attack, or the loss of all physical and financial security. If our hope is founded upon something other than Him, it will prove to be a futile hope. It will be hope founded upon sinking sand. Ultimately, Christ, who is the Rock, is our only true hope. He is a Living Hope. It is my prayer that those in these areas of disaster would know Him as such if they don't already. It is also my prayer for all who read this today. Do you know Him as the Rock, or are you presently living on sand?

I heard a lady say today that if you are living a life built upon sinking sand, it is never too late to relocate.
This fallen world has always been an extremely precarious place to live. "Here today and gone tomorrow," is a mantra known by all of us to some degree. We are entering into days where it may be known to a great degree by all of us. What is your "house," your life built upon? I don't ask whether you go to church or call yourself a believer. I ask if your very being is centered, by faith, upon the risen Christ? If not, you're living on a foundation of sand. Sinking sand. Sand that will one day swallow you whole. 

Right now, many are placing their hopes on the results of the coming elections. Many are believing that if the "right" candidate is elected, the moral and spiritual decline of the culture will be reversed. That's a fallacy. Regardless of who wins the White House, Senate, and Congress, the demise of our nation will continue its downward slide. We have one hope; Jesus Christ. The Rock. As someone said, we need to cease asking God to change what happens in the White House and begin to cry out for change in the church house. May it be so. The church, you and me, has been placed here for such a time as this. How do we respond? The answer to that will depend upon what our lives are built upon: Rock....or sand. If in your heart, you know it's the latter for you...beloved, please.....relocate....before it's too late.

Pastor O

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