Friday, May 14, 2021

Unshakeable Realm

 "When God spoke from Mt. Sinai His voice shook the earth, but now He makes another promise: 'Once more I will shake not only the heavens but the earth also.' This means that the things on earth will be shaken so that only eternal things will be left." Hebrews 12:26-27

Commenting on the above Scripture, British preacher T. Austin-Sparks asks, "What have we got, that being unshakeable, will remain when He does shake the heavens and the earth?" Throughout history, God has brought shakings not only upon the world, but even more, upon His own people, His church. In these shakings, and we are in the midst of some of the most intense ever seen in our lifetimes, just what is it in our lives that will still be standing after the strongest of them? What in our lives is truly unshakeable? Our faith and trust? Our commitment to total obedience to Him? Our complete heart surrender? Our obedience in taking up our cross and following Him? All of these and more will be shaken. What we have professed and confessed will be tested. Who and what our true dependence is upon and faith is placed will be shown. Who we're really living for, and what we're living for will be exposed. If it isn't Christ, the shakings will reveal it to be so, and all that which has taken His place, despite what we say, will fall. Our only hope, and our place to be, is in the Unshakeable Realm. With Him, in Him.
I had a conversation not long ago with one who strongly professes their faith, and yet whose witness, and I don't say this in judgement, has not seemed to live up their confession of faith. I asked them if, when the Lord comes, in whatever manner He chooses to come, will they be ready? Without hesitation, they replied, "Oh, I'm ready. I know I'm ready." I pray they are, but I know this; that confession is going to be put to the test. The true foundation upon which they live is going to be shaken, to the very depths. Only what is eternal, only that which is Christ, can survive the shaking. That's when they will find if they truly are ready or not. That's when we will as well.
We are part of a generation of believers that have allowed so much that is not Jesus Christ to infiltrate our hearts and spirit....and our churches. Consciously or not, we have constructed far too much of our lives and ministries upon sinking sand, all the while believing that it was actually rock. Christ rock. Solid rock. The only Rock. Nothing, not the most violent and destructive force this world can muster, can move that Rock, or the one who stands upon it. That Rock is Christ. That Rock is eternal. That Rock is the cornerstone of His eternal Kingdom. When all else has faded and disappeared, that Rock remains. His shakings will reveal what our lives, marriages, fellowships, and ministries have really been built upon. All but that which is Christ will fall into ruin.
The apostle Paul wrote much about a life hidden in Christ. He could write of it because he lived it. Paul, who lived a life of near constant outer chaos, at the same time lived a life of perfect rest in Him. So shaken had been his life that all that was not of Him was gone, and only his foundation of Christ remained. Chaos around him could not affect the peace within. Such is life in the unshakeable realm. In that realm I want to live. On that foundation, I want to build. What realm do you find yourself today? Be assured it will be shaken. Your life and mine will be shaken. Only what is of Christ, what is eternal will remain. What will remains in us?
Pastor O

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