Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Best Part

 "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." Psalm 16:11....."We are so activity oriented that we assume we were saved for a task we are to perform rather than for a relationship to enjoy." Henry Blackaby

Here's a question that cannot be given a snap response: How much pleasure is there for you in your "relationship" with Him? Does that word even have a place in what goes on between you and your Creator? Duty, obligation, task, even ministry, these words easily come to mind, but pleasure? Where do we really have it in our walk with Him? Can we even say we truly walk with Him?
The quote from Henry Blackaby very likely applies to a large segment of the church, particularly pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and others who would be thought of as "full time ministers." Yet it isn't limited to them. It applies to all of us in some way. We're saved to serve we say, and there is truth in that, but we are first saved that we might really know Him. Know Him in the depths of our being. Know ever deepening aspects of His character and ways. Psalm 16:11 says just that, that He will show us the way of life. His way and His life. Yet our first response is most often not what have You called me to, but what have You called me for? We ask Him what He wants us to do, when He wants to show us all that we are to be. Neglecting the second part will cause us to eventually burn out as we concentrate on the first.
If you serve Him today, are you experiencing joy and pleasure in it? I don't mean the satisfaction of feeling you're doing a good job, but are you experiencing a pleasure in the serving that comes from the experience of the joy in knowing Him? In the spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible study, do you see them as things you have to do, or opportunities that you get to have and that bring you closer to and deeper in Him? We all have things, hobbies, people, jobs and ministries that bring us pleasure. Do we have more pleasure in any and all of them than we do in Him? There are professing men who can watch hours upon hours of football each weekend, but cannot stay focused in a worship service beyond 15 minutes. There are professing women who can spend great swaths of time socializing and talking with friends, but have no idea of how to talk to Him. Every moment of every day He runs to us with open arms, and too often, most often, we don't notice Him. We walk right by Him.
Romantic movies and novels often speak of how lovers enjoy the pleasure of each others company. Is there anything near that in our relationship with Him? If not, how can we say we have a relationship with Him? And how can we be so hardened to His love that we don't even realize how we grief His Spirit with our neglect?
I think we've heard the story of the two sisters, Mary and Martha so often we no longer hear its message....if ever we did. Jesus was invited to dinner at their home. Martha threw herself into the preparation. Mary sat at His feet. Martha, exhausting herself, complained to Jesus that her sister was doing nothing. Jesus told Martha that she was exhausted, burnt out, over so many things, but that one thing was needed above all others; time and fellowship with Him. He told her that Mary had chosen that, the "best part." More than a well prepared meal provided by Martha's work, Jesus wanted Martha herself. That was the best part. Martha missed it that day. Where are we missing it today? He offers us the best part of Himself. Where are we settled for something so much less?
Pastor O

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