Friday, May 7, 2021


 "God replied to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.' " Exodus 3:14

Moses had been tasked by God for what he saw as an impossible mission; to lead the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt, the most powerful kingdom in the ancient world. The obstacles to doing that were immense in his eyes. Yes, he'd just seen the Lord appear in a burning bush, a bush that was not consumed by the flames. A miracle. Yes, he heard the voice of God speaking to him from those flames. Another miracle. Still, the call of leading the people out of their slavery would involve a multitude of obstacles, and not even the burning bush or His voice convinced him that he could succeed. Why would the people listen to him? Why would the Egyptians? What would he tell them as to why he'd even come? That's why the Father replied with His words from Exodus 3.
Henry Blackaby has some powerful insight as to what God was saying in "I AM WHO I AM," and that the "I AM" was sending him to them. Blackaby says God was saying to Moses, "Moses, I'll be whatever you need me to be...If you need miraculous signs....then that is how I'll express Myself. If you need Me to interrupt nature and part the Red Sea, then I'll demonstrate Myself in that way. I will be your provider and your strength."
We are so often just like Moses, and not just as concerns His calling to ministry tasks, but as concerns every aspect of life. We look at our circumstances, our impossibilities, and we ask God, "how?" We believe in Him, but we struggle to believe the God we say we believe in. We come up with a long list of "what if's." What if this unexpected roadblock comes up? What if I lose my job, my health, my mate? What if the worst that I can imagine actually happens, what then? In all of these, the great I AM speaks to us as He did Moses. He tells us that whatever our need may be, in whatever the danger we find ourselves, whatever the size of the mountain or giant, He will be to us in that place, exactly what we need Him to be. He is an infinite God, and He has an infinite amount of ways to deliver us, save, and bring us through and home. He will be whatever we need.
What is it that you need Him to be for you? Can you dare to believe that He'll be exactly what you need there? I love the lyric from an old Jesus music song, "I AM is speaking to you. Stand still and see what He's going to do." When I AM speaks, it is. There is no limit to the means He will use to fulfill His purposes for you. For yours. For us.
God spoke and all things came into being, including us. He spoke all of it through His Son, Jesus Christ, in whom, the Word says, all things hold together. He rules over all, in the natural, and in the supernatural. In Him, there are no limitations. We cannot be prepared for everything. Indeed, we are rarely prepared for most things. He is, and in Him, we have this assurance; in the unexpected and the unknown, He is our known, and we can expect Him to be all and whatever we need in every place. So, we really can stand still and behold what He will do.
Pastor O

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