Monday, April 27, 2020

The Hearse

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
A good friend and denominational leader posted a great video on Facebook the other day. He was driving along in his pick-up when he noticed a black hearse in his rear-view mirror. He snapped a quick photo of it from his side-view mirror and posted it. In the post he spoke of how, though the hearse, representing death was right behind him, he felt nothing but peace concerning the reality of that death. He knew and was covered by the life and blood of Christ. Death had no power over him, or anyone who knows and lives for Him. Death, as Paul wrote, has lost its sting. Such is the assurance for all believers, for upon the ending of this physical life, we will simply step into the fullness of our eternal one. One writer likened the experience to simply leaving one room in the house for another. From the presence and confines of this life into the fullness and freedom of His eternity. Wonderful news for believers, but what of those who don't believe, and who reject the Good News of Jesus Christ? When their time upon this world ends, into what do they enter?
Here's a reality. For all of us, that black hearse pursues. Death will come to each. These bodies we walk about in fade, grow weak, and eventually die. None of us escape that pursuit. But there is something more to look at here. Death pursues us in seemingly infinite ways throughout this life. We see that through the misery of addiction, sexual and physical abuse, racial and class hatred, and the devastating effect that unresolved anger, bitterness, lack of forgiveness, has upon individuals, families, and relationships. Add to that the explosion of sexual perversions that have come upon society. Practices once thought unthinkable are finding their way into the mainstream. The Black Hearse of Death pursues us through all of these means and more besides. I believe that in many ways, it begins with our children.
I was walking on one of the trails around the city of Lynchburg, Virginia, where I live. As I did, two young boys and their father passed me on their bikes. One of the boys asked the other if he'd heard that 12 million kids had taken part in an online game called Fortnite that week. On the surface there doesn't seem anything overly alarming about that. Then I went online to learn more about the game that I'd already sensed some real apprehension about. Parents and even some kids commented on the many dangers inherent in it. Addiction to the game being foremost. Parents who sought to control their children's participation were facing extreme anger and rebellion from their children. The game had become an obsession, featuring non-stop violence. Since it is a game that can be played with a number of live participants, many parents commented on the cyber bullying taking place in it. These are just a few of the concerns listed. I use this example because I think the majority of parents, especially in the church, are oblivious to the dangers presented in this and so many other products targeting children. The same has been done with games and videos centering on the occult. Any suggestion that these games may be used by the enemy as pathways into the mind and spirits of those who play them is more often than not mocked and ridiculed. Satan works best where he's ignored.
The above is meant to warn and isn't a rant against all video games. My larger point is that just as Jesus said in John 10, the thief, satan, ceaselessly pursues us and seeks our destruction by any and all means. Whatever part of our lives is not covered by Him lies open to his assault. Such ought to be sobering news for all of us. Indeed, for all of us, especially those without Him, it ought to chill us to the marrow of our souls. Dare we examine just where the Hearse is pursuing us right now? How are we responding to the pursuit? As my friend Kerry, with total confidence in Him, or do we lack that confidence right now?
Last point: I mentioned above that for the believer, death is like leaving one room, this life, into another, the fullness of His eternal life. From one well-lit room into one filled with His Light. But what of those without Him? They too will leave one room and enter into another, except that it will be from one kind of darkness into one of the deepest darkness. His Word calls it hell. It is my deep prayer that no one reading this ever has to make that journey, and they won't, if they will simply believe, confess, turn from the darkness of death into the light of His life. Death, the Hearse, will have no victory or sting. May you know that truth. May we all know this truth. Because the Hearse, on this side of eternity, will never cease its pursuit.
Pastor O

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