Monday, April 13, 2020


After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished,that Scripture might be fulfilled, said.....'It is finished!"
A missionary to South Asia tells this story: Each year, the Muslim people sacrifice a cow or goat to atone for the sins and bad deeds done by they and their families. Salesman go up and down streets selling brightly decorated animals. One family head had 10 children, and so he had to purchase two cows, since one cow only covered the sins of 7 people. A ceremony was held in the man's yard, and an Iman, a Muslim pastor, came to perform the sacrifice. Being a woman, the missionary was not allowed to be present, but at the end of the sacrifice, she saw the man's son going by, covered in blood, saying, "It is finished." Finished....for that year. Finished...until next year. So really, not finished at all.
I cannot read that account without grieving for those people. They don't know that the atoning work they seek has already been done for them in the Person of Jesus Christ on the cross. His blood covered and covers the sins of all those who will come to Him, believe in Him, and live in and for Him. And unlike the household head, we need purchase nothing for this atoning, saving work. He purchased and with His blood. Our sins, all of them, are covered by it. All we need do is confess our sin, believe Him, receive Him, and walk with Him. Does His blood cover you today? Or, like this family, do you still seek to atone for your sin by living a (mostly) good life, doing as many good works as you can, showing God that you are worthy of His saving grace? All of that, like the sacrificed cows, will not bring it. Only the blood of Christ, shed for all who would believe, can and will do that. He's the sacrifice. Will you receive Him?
There's another element here for those of us who have believed in Him and His work on the cross. Are you still living as if it has not been finished? The Word says that "all things were now accomplished," so why do so many live as His work is not complete? Why do we go on trying to earn His love, favor, help, protection, acceptance, and so much more? Why do we live as if the victory of the cross and tomb was not total? Why do we feel that His grace that was poured out as a result is not enough? Why does His sacrifice, which opened the door for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit, seem to be inadequate for living a victorious life, conquering besetting sins, and giving victory over temptation? The barriers to all of these were broken on the cross. His power to live in victory was unleashed at the cross and tomb. Are we walking in it? Are you? He finished the work, but too many of us have failed to receive it, to enter into it. We believe Him when He said that it was finished, but do we believe Him when He says it is finished for us?
Those three words need to enter into every area of our being. Those three words need to be our answer when the enemy comes around and tells us that whatever victory was won on Calvary is a victory that can never be ours. In the face of every lie, temptation, and yes, failure, is this truth; it is finished. We can stop striving to enter in, to earn a place at His table. By faith, our place there is assured. Let us take it, and take all that He gives us there. We can do so by faith and trust in Him, and in the fact that in Christ and His cross, it really is finished.
Pastor O

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