Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Such A Time

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
It's been said that if you are still breathing, then the Lord has not finished with you yet. Tragically, many have lived as if He has already finished with us. Many more have lived as though He'd never begun. Such a way is no longer an option for the people of the cross. It never was. It never will be.
Someone said that there can be no greater work or ministry than to be one who stands between a dying world and a living God. That has always been the call of every follower of Christ. It's too often been ignored or unheard. It cannot be anymore. This world is dying, and it is not from the Covid-19 virus. It is from the spiritual virus of sin, of which this virus is only a symptom. Esther, a Jewess, became Queen of the mightiest empire of its day, the Persian empire. Her people were under the threat of extermination, yet she feared going to the king, for fear of losing her own life. It was her uncle, Mordecai who spoke the above words and asked that question. She did speak up, and did stand in the gap for her people. They were delivered. She was in such a time, and so are we. What will we do? What are we doing?
What we are seeing and experiencing has never been experienced by anyone of this generation. If we are breathing, than He has a purpose for us in this. It will differ for each of us, but all will involve our standing in that gap between a spiritually dying, indeed already dead world, and our Living God. There are beyond a multitude of ways to do so. We can intercede, not just for this virus to be stopped, but for lives to be transformed and delivered. We can cry out for them. We can cry out for each other. We can cry out for the church. We can reach out, even if it is just to contact people, letting them know they're being prayed for, cared for. We can encourage those that He's appointed to watch over our spiritual care. We can be faithful in continuing to support all the needs of church's ministry, financially, prayerfully, actively. As we breathe, we pray, we love, we care. We are His living presence. In such a time as this.
Everything has changed. He has not changed. He is moving and working in His people, through His people, and beyond His people. Such a time as we've never known is here. We're where we are because He means for us to be His life to a dying culture. Will we, despite risks, despite all the unknown, take up the call in this time? Will we, while there is still time?
Pastor O

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