Friday, December 13, 2019

Heart Tracks - Overwhelmed

"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I....Let me live forever in Your sanctuary, safe beneath your wings." Psalm 61:2,4
There have been times in all of our lives when we have felt like Job did when he was assaulted, overwhelmed by waves of terrible happenings and news. The death of loved ones, loss of property, failing health. I remember one such time for me. It happened in the course of my separation and eventual divorce. An already painful and deeply wounding situation was made steadily worse. I had gone home for Christmas, where in the midst of the coldest winter in years, my car's engine seized. I was able to have a replacement put in, and I returned home. However, I soon learned that the shop had cheated me, and installed one that was spraying oil and obviously ready to die. The shop told me I could bring it back, a trip of over 300 miles, and one I knew the car couldn't make. I was in the 4th month of the journey, and this felt like something that was just one more "stone" on an already too heavy load. I was overwhelmed, crushed. I felt like just giving up, lying down, asking God to end it all and just take me home. That was not His response.
He led me to seek out my cousin, a strong believer in the power of our God. He listened to my frustration, anger, and loss of hope. He didn't lecture or rebuke, he just prayed with me, and in the prayer, I was led to His strength. In that prayer, Psalm 61 came alive, became my reality. I was led to the Rock, Jesus Christ, that was higher than me, and higher than all that could come against me. What overwhelmed me could not overwhelm Him. In fact, He overwhelmed the overwhelming. It was a truth that I learned that day, and it's a truth I have leaned anew many times since.
We live in an overwhelming world. A world that stresses us out, frustrates us, frightens us, wearies us, seeks to kill us. And kill our hope in Him. It, and the devil who works through it, seeks to bring a Tsunami of hardship and affliction upon us, or, simply bombard us with so much "stuff" that we are smothered by all that is before, above, beneath, and around us. In those places we have but one recourse....allow His Holy Spirit to lead us to the Rock that is higher than all. There we find sanctuary, life, rest, and renewed hope. At the Rock, on the Rock, we can live in peace, and in victory.
God didn't leave me in that place of hopelessness. He made a way through, and He made a way out. He made provision for my need, and He made a way for my restoration, my full restoration. He has done so many times since. He will do so for you. As you face your own Tsunami's, allow His Spirit to lead you to the Rock that is Jesus Christ. The overwhelming things of life will seek to blind us to Him, but let Him compose your heart and all your emotions, and then lead you to Rock that is Himself. The Rock that is higher than all. That place where the mightiest tsunami the enemy may throw against you cannot reach. Experience that He really is "higher than all."
Pastor O

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