Monday, December 30, 2019

Heart Tracks - Everlasting Dominion

"His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:14....."Faith in the Kingdom of what Christian joy is all about." John Main
We're about to embark upon another new year and if our previous years have taught us anything, the only thing we can know for sure are that first, we don't know what lies ahead, and second, that He reigns over all of it. I think most of us know the truth of the first, too few of us that second. That sets us up to be victims in the midst of our circumstances instead of victors, conquerors, over them.
His Word says that rain falls upon the just and the unjust. This means that the people of God will not be immune from troubles, heartaches, floods and fires. Likely we will know sorrow. Surely we will know pain. Knowing and living out the reality of Daniel 7:14 will determine whether we actually do experience this coming year as victims or victors.
In the disciples experience of being swamped by the raging waves as they sought to make it across the sea of Galilee, they were sure they were going to perish. In the midst of that, Jesus came to them walking on the top of the very waves they were sure would drown them. This year, in every year, we must live in the faith and assurance that He does the same with us. The storms and "waves," almost all of them unexpected, that will threaten us, must yield to the One who walks on the surface of all of them. He does not promise that the waves won't touch us. He does promise that they will not destroy us. They cannot touch or overwhelm the Christ life that is found in the hearts of His people. They cannot take our peace, our joy, our hope, our strength, and our life in Him. He not only comes to us in the midst of it, He's already there with us. His Kingdom, of which we are citizens and heirs of, really is an everlasting one, and our joy comes from our steadfast faith in that. We are not orphans, facing life alone. We are sons and daughters of the King. Heirs of His Kingdom.
This year, know that whatever lies ahead, He already reigns over it. There will be waves we think will drown us. Know that He walks upon their surface. They cannot affect Him, and when we know that, we can know that they cannot affect His Life within us.They can touch our emotions, our minds, but they cannot touch the presence of His life within us. He reigns over all, and in Him, so do we. Let us live in both that hope and that reality. His dominion is an everlasting dominion.
Pastor O

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