Friday, June 14, 2019

Heart Tracks - Run To The Light

"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Genesis 1:3
Have you ever meditated on the infinite power contained in God's words in Genesis 1? If we limit it to just the creation moment, I believe we're missing most of its meaning. It's a command, and a command that is spoken in time and across time and into eternity. One translation says that God hovered over the darkness and chaos, and into all of that He spoke these four words, "Let there be light." Darkness and chaos can mark our lives in so many ways and times. In the midst of it, He speaks to our hearts and those conditions with those almighty words; Let there be light!
Someone, or ones, have said that the people of God need to give witness to His life and light in a world where darkness and death get all the attention. Scripture says that we are to live in such a way that we are always ready and able to give others "the reason for our hope." We can only do this when we live and abide in His light and life. We live in a fallen world. Darkness and death wage and unceasing war upon us, never stopping their onslaught to take us captive and hold us to a lifestyle of fear, despair, hopelessness. They can never do that so long as we hear, and receive His words, "Let there be light!" When we do, all the power of darkness and death must yield to Him, to His light. Sheila Walsh said that any pain, wound, failure, and sin, brought into His light, loses all of its power over us. After the sin of Adam and Eve, they sought to hide from the Father. That's the tendency of our fallen flesh. Yet He came searching for them in His light and life. He always does. Our flesh impulse is to flee. His call is to run to the light. In which direction are you going?
Right now, your life may well seem to be nothing but darkness and chaos. If not, it most likely will be at some point. His heart desire for you, for us, is that we'll hear and receive His words for us in that place; Let there be light. When we do, darkness is crushed to the wall. So is the chaos that goes with it. Likely not the chaos going on around us, but the chaos that can be raging within us. With the receiving of His light there comes peace, hope, joy, assurance, and above all, His presence. Into the darkness and chaos He came and comes with His light and life. Will you receive Him into yours? Run to the light!
Pastor O

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