Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Heart Tracks - Radical

"And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled His temple." I Kings 8:11....."Are we just good at getting people together once a week and maybe into a small group, or are we actually good at producing the types of people we read about in the New Testament?" Mike Breen...."We are too easily satisfied. We are content if a person leaves pleased. God wants them awed." Francis Chan
I have often asked myself the question over the course of my ministry life, "What would happen if, when the fellowship gathered together to worship, not one thing that I, we had planned, took place?" What would happen if the music and songs rehearsed and honed didn't get played? What would happen if the sermon I had painstakenly labored over, didn't get preached? What would happen if the people who came with a general sense of what to expect, had all those expectations blown apart, and God's glory so filled "the temple," that none could "perform their service?" Would our response be one of frustration that all our efforts had no chance to be "displayed?" Would we be feeling anxiety because things were going beyond the expected time of dismissal? How tempted would we be to try and take back control of a worship service taken over by the One we claim to have come together to worship?
The Scripture from I Kings 8 is part of a description of the King Solomon's dedication of the Temple built for the glory and worship of Almighty God. The priests of the Lord had gathered, each with a distinct form of service to be offered. The choir of singers had gathered, all with the intent to lift high their voices to Him. The people themselves had gathered, all with the expectation of seeing the long awaited Temple dedicated to Him, and the ensuing celebration that would be a part of it. Into all of it, His Spirit came. So powerfully did He come that everything that had been planned, and all the aspects of worship that was to be offered, weren't. His glory so filled His Temple that all anyone could do, ministers and worshipers, was to behold awe and true worship.
I have often heard many, including myself say how we long for the present day church to be like the first century church. Great displays of His presence and power, not just when everyone came together, but in the day to day carrying out of their lives and witness. Do we really? Is that what we really want? Do we really want to be that immersed in Him? Do we really want our lives, and everything about them, including how we "do church," to be fully controlled by Him? Do we want people pleased, or filled with awe? The former has us in control. With the latter, only He has it. That's radical worship, and radical life. Do we want to be that radical?
These are questions for all of us to meditate on. Many are praying for an awakening. Do we have any concept of what takes places when Almighty God awakens His church? Do we have any idea of what an unleashed Holy Spirit in our midst will do? We don't really. That's what makes it all so scary. That's why its all so radical. Are we really desiring to be radical believers and worshipers of the King? Living in awe and amazement of our God, or just coming together to honor Him quietly for a few hours at most, then getting on with our lives for the rest of the week? We hear the term "radical" in describing the social and political structure of our culture. Might it not be past time for a radical move of God in His people? In you and in me?
Pastor O

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