Friday, June 7, 2019

Heart Tracks - The Approach

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10
...."The great proof of life after death is life before death....The question is not whether we'll die, but whether we live?" Erwin McManus
There are two who approach our lives every moment of every day; the one labeled "the thief," and the One who is the Author of Life itself. Which are we receiving? Of which does our life give witness to?
It is not news that a great segment of the professing church does not walk in a manner greatly different from the world. The rate of divorce among believers is as high as that of the world. Indeed, it is showing signs of growing even higher. Our dependency upon prescribed, and often un-prescribed medications, mirrors that of the world. Our addiction to pornography and involvement in sexual sin looks much like the world as well. In our entertainment choices, we watch and enjoy the same kinds of "entertainment" as does the world. Movies, TV, and music that demean both men and women, and legitimizes the pursuit and gratification of pleasure and lust. And we, along with our marriages and families, are suffering the same ravages as does the world and culture around us. The church is meant to be a counter-culture to the world, but instead we've become a sub-culture of it. How can such be the life and witness of people who claim to follow a Savior who has conquered death and all its effects.....completely?
We live in a fallen world and none of us are immune to its "fruit." That world has a ruler, satan, and his hatred of humankind, and most especially, those who are the people of God, is unleashed against all every waking, and sleeping, moment. He is the thief, and his efforts to steal, kill, and destroy, are unending. The proof of that is seen everywhere. How can it be that there is more proof of that in Christ's church than there is of the abundant life Christ promises to give? The apostle Paul said that he had a two fold desire; to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and that those he ministered to would know that Christ and experience His power as well. Is Paul's desire being realized in your life, marriage, family, and ways? Is what Christ came to give you shown forth in your life witness, or does it more resemble the leavings of the thief?
Again, we live in a fallen world. Pain and loss are real, and we'll experience them. Christ doesn't keep us from that. He takes us through it. As McManus says, the faith journey doesn't get easier, we get stronger. A fallen world seeks to pull us into its mire. Christ seeks to raise us above it. How? It begins in one place only; His cross. At the cross, we die, and in Him, we then begin to live. Resurrection living. Paul said that at the cross he died to the interests of the world, and that the world's interest in him died as well. The words of that old hymn are as real and as powerful as ever. "At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my sin rolled away." When we live the cross style life, the power of the thief is fully broken, and the fullness of the abundant life is made open to us.
As I said, there are two who approach us every day. One brings death, the other life, His Life. As they approach, which are we receiving?
Pastor O

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