Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Fresh Oil

I recently heard Pastor and author Samuel Rodriguez speak about the life of King David of Israel. Beginning with his confrontation of and fight with the Philistine giant Goliath, down through his persecution by King Saul, to his being told by the Jebusites that he would never breach the walls of their city, he was consistently told that he was "not enough" to prevail in any of it. David knew that he was enough. Not in himself. He was enough, more than enough in Christ.

Rodriguez then pointed to the above verse, Psalm 92:10 as to why he was. David, who wrote the song of praise to the Father, said, "I have been anointed with fresh oil." Oil in the Bible is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. David is saying that he had received a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon his life. An outpouring that enabled Him to meet and overcome any and all obstacles the enemy or life's circumstances would place in his way, be they giants, strongholds, or powerful entities. David knew he wasn't equal to the task of slaying Goliath, overcoming city walls, or defeating Saul, but he knew that he was more than equal to doing all of it so long as the anointing and fullness of His Holy Spirit was filling him and flowing out of his life. Today, like never before, we must know that as well. We must know that our need for the fresh oil of His Holy Spirit is deeper than we have ever known.

All of us will be or are right now facing impossible situations. Situations where the enemy mocks us and tells us that we can't possibly prevail in this place. We face giants, strongholds with impenetrable walls, and people and situations far more powerful than we are. They will crush us....UNLESS we too are bathed in an abundance of the fresh oil of His Holy Spirit. Because David was, he slew Goliath, conquered the city, and took the kingship from Saul. He was more than a conqueror because he lived his life bathed in, immersed in, the fresh oil of His Holy Spirit. We can be as well. We must be as well.

Whatever you face today, wherever the enemy whispers to you that you're not enough, don't argue the point. You're not. But you may answer that within you lives the One who is and always will be more than enough. Seek His fresh oil. Be bathed in it. Step into His promise that in Christ, we are more than conquerors. His promise is that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can because He freely pours out His fresh oil upon us. Where you are, where we are right now, may we receive that oil, and to the full.


Pastor O 

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