Monday, August 26, 2024

The Towel

 "Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He was come from God, and went to God, rose up from supper, and laid aside His garments; and took a towel and girded Himself.....Then He began to wash the disciples feet." John 13:3-4...."The great hindrance in spiritual life is that we look for big things to do. Jesus took a towel." Oswald Chambers

Someone said that we find out just how much of a true servant of God we are when others begin to treat us like...servants. There is a deeply convicting truth in that statement.

The task of washing a person's feet upon a visit to a home was given to the lowliest servant of the household. It was very humbling. In the middle eastern culture of Jesus' day, one's feet were perpetually filthy. Dirt, dust, animal droppings, and a host of other things were commonly found on the feet. To take them in your hands and carefully wash and clean them was a very unattractive job. The disciples knew this which was why Peter objected to the Lord doing so. He was above such a job. Unspoken is that Peter and all the rest of the disciples thought that they were above it as well. How closely do you and I stand with them on that?

True Christlike servants are vanishing in the western church. It's not easy to get volunteers for any kind of ministry, and when the church does, it's more often for the visible, up front ministries. Many will be eager to preach, teach, sing, and play an instrument, especially with others watching them, but few come forward to "wash the feet" of others. Few of us are willing to "take a towel," and minister in ways that are not only humbling, but unnoticed, and most often, men.

Brother Lawrence, a monk in the middle ages, wrote a classic book centering on living in the conscious presence of God. It's deeply inspiring. His name is well known today, he was completely unknown in his own day. Brother Lawrence served in the kitchen of his monastery. He washed dishes, cleaned tables, and served food. And He did it all with an ever deepening knowledge of and friendship with the God He served.

Chris Tiegreen said that "The rewards of heaven are for those who are background players to the glory of God." Too few of us are willing to be unseen and unnoticed....anonymous in the Kingdom of God." We may be willing to serve, but we have rigid boundaries as to just how far...and low, we will go in the service. We have no place for Christ's towel.

May we, you and I, be willing to be under His gaze in this, allowing Him to show just how much of a servant's heart we truly have....or lack. It's been said that the way up in the Kingdom is to go down. Down in humility, in surrender to His will. We will never be taller or higher than when we are bowing to Him in all things.....and lay hold of the towel. The towel of Christ.

Pastor O

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