Friday, August 23, 2024

Rock Bottom

 Someone once said that life can sometimes seem to be a series of "shipwrecks and snakebites." They were referring to Paul's experience when the ship he was sailing upon was wrecked in a fierce storm at sea, and then after making his way to shore, he was bitten by a poisonous snake as he gathered wood for a fire. Life does sometimes go from bad to worse. What we need to know is that there is no "worse" where He will not be present. Paul suffered the shipwreck and snakebite but he was miraculously saved from both. The Father had a purpose for him and no shipwreck or snakebite would keep him from it.

Joseph was a man who knew something of this as well. A great deal of this as a matter of fact. Hated by his jealous brothers, he was thrown into a pit by them and then sold into slavery. He ended up the slave of a high ranking Egyptian and was given authority over the man's household. However, the man's wife sought to seduce Joseph. He resisted her and in her anger at the rejection, accused him of attempting to rape her. Enraged, the man had him thrown into prison. He went from the pit to the dungeon. Commenting on this, Alistair Begg called it, "Life at Rock Bottom." You may know something about that. Maybe you know about it right now. I know I do.

I remember clearly the time in my life when it seemed all was a series of snakebites and shipwrecks, of pits and dungeons. Like Joseph, I know very well what it is to have someone lie about me, accuse me of something I never did. I know what it is to suffer the immediate results of that. Loss. Devastating loss. I have lived life at rock bottom, but I found that even at rock bottom, He was there, and He was not just standing by. He was at work, preparing the way to being lifted up and out of the pit. Out of the miry clay that held me.

In that time there was nothing I could do to defend myself against the lies and accusations. All I could do was to look to Him, Jesus, to be my Advocate, and He was. He always will be. A powerful Advocate against every lie and every attack from the depths of hell. He will always be so for those that are His. In my heart, I knew that He had called me to be His servant. I knew, though few gave me encouragement, that His calling was still valid and that His purposes for me remained. By His grace I would trust, obey, and press on. I would believe, wavering at times for sure, that He would lift me up and establish me, just as the apostle Peter had written that He would for those who are His. Rock Bottom was a place I was passing through. It was not the place I would stay. Neither will it be for you if you will cling to Him and press on with Him.

Don't fear the shipwrecks and snakebites, or the pits and dungeons. Their presence in my life was used to make me a better man and a more effective servant of the King. Let Him use yours for the same. God will use what the enemy means to destroy you with to raise you up, and as one who is "more than a conqueror." Life at rock bottom is still life, even abundant life, when we are filled with His Life. Be filled!

Pastor O

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