Friday, May 10, 2024


 Leonard Ravenhill was one of the greatest revivalists of the 20th century. His words resonated in his lifetime and I think, resonate even more strongly in the decades since his passing. I want to share three things he said with you today.

"If we really know God, we'd set the world on fire." Daniel 11:32 reads, "The people who know their God will be strong and do great exploits." As we look around the current state of the church today in America, are either Ravenhill's or Daniel's words a reality for us? From the time of Pentecost, when the church was born, till now, God has used ordinary people to do extraordinary things. How? Because these ordinary people had come to know, really know, their extraordinary, supernatural, Almighty God. They knew Him through the resurrected Christ. They knew Him through the power of His Holy Spirit. They knew Him because they sought His heart in response to His seeking theirs. They became those that the book of Acts spoke of, men and women who turned their world upside down with the truth of who He is, who His Son is, and what His Kingdom is about. Daniel said we'd do exploits if we know Him in such a way.. Ravenhill said we'd set the world on fire. How close are we to doing either? Perhaps we don't know Him nearly so well as we ought, or that He desires.

"Because there's not enough joy in the house of God, we need entertainment." Do we in the western church actually love to worship Him, or do we love entertaining shows about Him? This is not a new question. A.W. Tozer was speaking to the problem of our being an entertainment loving people 75 years ago. What are we now? We live in a culture that is entertaining itself to death. As the culture of ancient Rome decayed, those in power realized they needed to keep the people entertained. This led to Roman emperors sponsoring "games" that went on nearly every day. They never saw their destruction coming. Now, the culture of entertainment has become a major part of what we're calling worship. Many come for a show, and if they don't like what's "playing," they look for a better one. We seek to touch their senses but far too often, never touch their heart. Oh, what would happen in our churches if we came together whenever we come together, overflowing with the joy of the Lord? The walls could not contain it, and people starving for real joy would abandon their counterfeit entertainments to know and have what we do. May it be that the joy of the Lord really is our strength....and our life.

"The Church of Jesus Christ needs a revelation of the majesty of God." These are the most important of Ravenhill's words, because if we do have such a revelation, every barrier to realizing what he spoke of above is removed. I think in too many ways, the modern church has crafted a "comfortable God." A "comfortable Christ." So much so that we have lost our awe of Him, along with our fear. Jesus invites us to Himself, but though we may come freely, we need to come in reverence, in wonder. Even as I write this, words fail to come to me in order to express even the surface of His infinite majesty. But I know, like Ravenhill. that the witness of the church today is that we are desperate for a fresh vision and understanding of His majesty. Lord, may we have it.

May we take this statements of Ravenhill's to Him in prayer. May they become a reality in our lives. May they be found in our hearts and in the heart of His church. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

Pastor O

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