Friday, May 24, 2024

Hold On!

 "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted with me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance." Psalm 42:5

Katy Nichole is a young singer/songwriter with a powerful testimony that has led to a powerful song. Born with a twisted spine that grew progressively worse, she underwent corrective surgery at age 13 to try and straighten her spine. Rods and screws were inserted. The Doctors pronounced the surgery a success, but Nichole said that so intense was her pain that she felt like she was living under an "immense black cloud."
The Doctors didn't really listen and directed her to a "pain management" program. The use of opioids was central to the treatment. She was given a bottle of them, yet wouldn't take them due to her awareness of their danger. The pain continued and grew worse. One night, she felt she could take no more of it, picked up the bottle, and said that if these pills were the only way out, she'd take it, so desperate was she to escape it all. She walked into the bathroom, intending to consume the entire bottle. She tripped as she entered, though there was nothing on the floor. The open bottle flew out of her hand and the pills scattered across the floor. She was totally broken....and it was then she heard the whisper of His voice; "Hold on! I'm not finished yet."

Nichole, now 18 years old, told her Doctors to remove the rods and screws. They tried to discourage her, saying that the dangers were too great. She insisted, and she underwent a very dangerous surgery. When she came out of it, the pain was already disappearing. Eventually, her spine was fully healed, and she lives a normal physical life. Filled with gratitude for His grace and glory, she wrote a song titled, In Jesus Name, which became an internet and You Tube sensation. The song is a prayer and begins with the powerful words, I speak the Name of Jesus over you. Oh, if only we could come to believe, fully believe, in the power of that name. Of His name. If only we could, in the midst of our own "immense black cloud," hold on. Hold on and know that wherever we are right now, He's not finished. This is not the end. This is not where He will leave us.

The name of the album containing Nichole's song is, The God Of Possible. May that be part of our day by day heartsong. He is the God of all things are possible. Hold on! Hold on and trust! Hold on to the One who holds you. He's not finished and neither are you. Neither are we......Hold On!

Pastor O

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