Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Porch

 Larry Crabb, in his book, "Connecting," tells this story about a friend of his who grew up in an angry, abusive family. "The family members, taking their cue from their father, were always sniping, griping, and arguing with each other. Any minor incident at the table was met by a withering blast of mockery or scolding." Down the street from where he lived was a big, old house with a huge front porch. In that house lived a happy family: "Laughter, singing, and lively, friendly banter were always spilling from the house." When the man was about 10, he took to excusing himself from his own family table as soon as possible. He would run down the street, hide under the large porch, and just listen to that happy family as they related so warmly to each other.

"Imagine," Crabb said to his friend, "Imagine that one day the father of that family discovers you're sitting under his porch. He sends his son to invite you in, to come sit at the table with them. To feast with them. Imagine you accidentally spill your water. The father roars with mirth. 'Bring him more water,' the father says, 'and a dry shirt. I want him to enjoy this meal.' " Commenting on this, writer and pastor Mark Buchanan says, "So much of our life is literally and figuratively, lived with that angry family. The celebration is not found in just sitting under the porch of the happy family. It's sitting at their table."

You may not have been born into an abusive family, but you've certainly been born into an abusive world. A world that takes its cue from the father of lies, satan, and seeks to speak those lies into our lives on an everyday basis. Lies that mock and ridicule and beat you down. Lies that tell you that the longing in your heart for something more, something beautiful and wonderful, can never be satisfied, never be realized. You need to know and understand that they're just that: Lies.

In every heart there is a longing to experience something more, something else. You've seen snapshots of it perhaps. Bits and pieces of a promise that you hope is true. It is true. An invitation has been sent by the Father through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. He calls you to come out from under the porch and enter into His home, which through Jesus, can now be your home. 

Two thousand years ago, the Father saw a world locked in turmoil and darkness, trapped "under the porch" and unable to get out. Held in bondage by that very father of lies. Someone had to secure their freedom. Someone had to bring them out from under the crushing weight of his bondage. That Someone was and is Jesus, and He extends His hand to all those hiding under the porch, longing for the yearning that this world can never satisfy to be filled. He invited us, you, into His "house," His life, and to be with Him forever.

Are you hiding under the porch today, longing for the life that seems so close, yet at the same time, so hopelessly far away? Right before you is the Son, reaching down, and there is no depth to which His hand cannot reach. He calls to you, inviting you to His Father's table. All is ready He tells you. Your place is waiting. Come to the table and take your seat. In Jesus Christ, you are not an orphan. Don't allow Satan to deceive you into living like one. You're sons and daughters of the King.

Pastor O

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