Monday, November 6, 2023


 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Matthew 9:36...."Christ's deepest impulse is to move towards sin and suffering, not away from it." Dane Ortlund

One of the truly great tragedies I have witnessed in the church and seen in my own life is the tendency to withdraw, even hide from Him in our sin and suffering. Running from God, whether as a result of our sin or from the effects of our pain seems to be a first response with all of us. His first response is to run to us.

In a recent staff meeting, we were speaking of the Scripture that relates how God "sings" over the lives of His people, and how He seeks that we would join Him in singing "the Lord's song." One of the points made was that for those whose hearts are deeply joined to Him, the song of the Lord is one of beauty that draws us ever deeper into His life, but for those who reject Him, His song and melody is a terrible noise to the ears of their heart and spirit. Their great desire is to escape it. The proof of this is seen in countless ways in countless lives. The "Good News" of the gospel is only good if we receive it. For those who turn away from it, it is news to flee from, as well as from the ones who bring it. From the One who brings it. I was one of the latter. Thankfully, my response didn't deter Him. He kept coming after me. Kept seeking me. Kept singing His song over me. Eventually, it ceased to be noise. It started to become a melody that grew stronger and more beautiful until it laid hold of me. I was captured by the song. A song that at times in my walk thereafter, I would try to withdraw from, but a song that would not let me go.

At first, it was my sin that made me run from His song. Later on, it was my pain. Pain can make us run from Him, not to Him. Our pets, when they become sick, tend to hide from us. They don't want us to see them hurting. We can be like that with Him and with His people. So we put on masks that we wear in public. Masks that are meant to hide our pain. The pain of broken marriages and relationships. The pain of deep loss. The pain of fearing the unknown. The pain and suffering of life. We hide from His people and we think we can hide from Him, but we can't. He sees. He knows. And He comes to us. The harder we run, the faster He pursues us. I don't think anything draws Him like our broken heart. A broken heart that can no longer sing the Lord's song. Thankfully, His heart can never stop singing it.

Zephaniah 3:17 says, "He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." That is the picture that forms in my mind. One where He sings over my broken life and yours, and with the deep melody, brings healing and wholeness. He sings over the open wounds. Wounds of loss, abuse, neglect, abandonment. With every note sung, the wound closes, and the brokenness is replaced by wholeness. It will always be the result of the songs that He sings.

Wherever you are and wherever you may be seeking to hide, His songs pursue you. Can you come out and let His melody take hold of you? Let the heart melodies you thought forever lost be restored to you. Join with Him in singing the Lord's song....forever.

Pastor O

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