There's a verse in the book of Habakkuk that's been a part of my prayer journal for some time now. It's a heartcry to Him. It's found in chapter 3, verse 2. He prays, "Lord, I have heard of Your fame; I stand in awe of Your deeds, O Lord, renew them in our day, in our time, make them known; in wrath, remember mercy."
As I dwell on that verse, the question arises. Is the wonder, splendor, majesty, and power of God only something I've heard of, that the church has only heard of? Habakkuk lived in a time when the people of Israel had fallen far from the place God had purposed for them. His wonders were in their past, not their present. How like those times are these for us, for His church. Beth Moore once said, "We believe little because we see little, and see little because we believe little." This is a destructive cycle that too much of the church is living in. No, there isn't a total absence of His power and presence, but can anyone say of their local fellowship that He's moving in and among us He intends? Where's the evidence? What God purposes is, unless our own hearts and lives deny Him. He won't violate our will, be it individually or as a Body.
We are witnessing our culture collapsing in on itself. We are seeing the same throughout our world. It has accelerated at an ever faster pace. For the most part, the church, instead of being His witness, life, power, and presence in the world, has too often become a part of it. We have been salt that's lost its savor and light that has slowly diminished. We see the need around us but we seem unsure of where the answers lie. It certainly isn't found in starting more home groups, going to more conferences and seminars, having more strategy sessions, or doing choruses instead of hymns or hymns instead of choruses. It will be found on our knees, individually and corporately, seeking His heart and life. James Robison said, "If God is in me, then a river MUST flow out of me." His water of life is a river of life, and it brings healing to wherever it flows. Is a river of His life really flowing out of us, our of His church, your church? A river, not a trickle. If so, where are we seeing the healing? Not just here and there, but everywhere His people are found.
I'm not a critic of His church but a lover of it, but I can no longer be satisfied with less when He has given infinitely more. Some years ago I heard a young pastor give a report concerning His church. He said in effect, "Things are great. Attendance is great. Finances are great. All is going well." I bring no judgement, for too long as a pastor, I wanted the same. A "good church" that offered comfort, stability, and what appeared to be effective ministry. We seek a comfort zone. We're not much interested in living in His zone. Colossians 1:6 says that everything was created by Him for Him, yet we live as if God's creation was for the purpose of giving us all that we could ever need or want. To do our bidding and see to our every need. Meanwhile the world dies around us and we are powerless to prevent it, as well as not overly interested in doing so. The Resource is right before us to come against it all, but we don't seem to see or recognize Him. We've heard of Him but we can't see Him, and we can't help others to see Him either. As Francis Chan said, "We have to stop giving people excuses NOT to believe in God."
I'm longing to see, know, and experience Him in ways I've never known. To fully know the God whose fame I've heard of. To be awestruck by the wonders He works in me, His church, and the world around us. Too see His miracles renewed in our day. That He will, despite our stubbornness, selfishness, and our own coldheartedness, remember His mercy. And come...bringing life. His river of life flowing into us, through us, and out of us. May Habakkuk's prayer be ours. Will it be? What's really the desire of your heart?
Pastor O