Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Blood

 Victory is a much talked about but too little realized state in the Body of Christ. We pray, preach, and sing about it, but to what extent is it being realized in our lives? If we have, as the powerful old hymn says, "Victory In Jesus," then why are so many of His people living in defeat? Someone said that we believe He can save us from our sins but not our situations. We believe He can defeat death but not our circumstances. We trust in a victory that will get us to heaven, but not in one that will lead us into the fullness of His life today.

Pastor Che' Ahn says that ultimately it comes to our asking ourselves this pointed question; Do we really believe that Jesus Christ totally defeated the enemy on the cross and in His resurrection? Do we? Do you? Can we believe that the forces that are attacking our lives, marriages, children, livelihoods, and ministries, were defeated, not partly but totally at Calvary? That every plan and scheme the enemy can assault you with has already been thwarted at the cross? Can you believe that even if your greatest fear were to come to pass, that even in the midst of that, you have not been defeated, but have and will come to fully realize ultimate victory?

I wrote down these words from a pastor who had lost his only son to suicide. "I have seen the bottom and the bottom is solid." At the bottom of his life he found the solid rock of Jesus Christ. As Beth Moore says, "Whether it be an extreme high or low, no one can join us there but God." Whether you sense it or not, wherever this day finds you, in whatever emotional and spiritual state may be, He has joined you where you are right now." Can you believe that whether you "feel" it or not?

One of the biblical names for Satan is "The Destroyer," and he lives up to that name in countless ways. How much destruction has he wrought in your life and in the lives of those you love? Do you really know and believe that he cannot destroy that which is "in Christ," that is covered by Him, covered by His blood? Somehow, we have lost the wonder of this truth, that there is power, unlimited power in the blood of Jesus. Hebrews 7:17, talking of the ministry of Christ, the perfect High Priest, says that He doesn't fill this office by merit of being of the tribe of Levi, "but by the power of a life that cannot be destroyed." If His life cannot be destroyed then that which is His life cannot be either. His life and blood cover us, cover you. Can you dare to believe this, even when your circumstances scream at you that it isn't so?

The Destroyer has been destroyed by Him at the cross...and at the tomb with His rising. Not in part, not mostly, but completely. Our belief and trust in this will be tested. Perhaps you're being tested in it now. The worst may come, but in it, we stand on the Rock of Christ. In Christ we have Victory. Believe it. Completely. It will be as Moore says, "WIth blood, sweat, and tears. His blood, our sweat, and the tears of us both." All because we trust in the power of a life that cannot be destroyed. A life He has secured for us and calls us to. The Destroyer has been destroyed. Now....walk in the truth.

Pastor O

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