Friday, October 20, 2023


 I think the hardest part of being a pastor is watching people continue onward to sure destruction, knowing all the time that it needn't be that way. That in fact, they could be moving steadily onward into abundance and wholeness. The pain that this causes is best seen in Matthew 23:37, where Jesus, looking upon Jerusalem, cries from the depths of His heart, "How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let Me." They wouldn't let Him. Countless more still won't let Him. Maybe in some way, many ways, you won't let Him.


Why do we resist so mightily that which is obviously for our good? Why do we run from Him, avoid Him, deny Him? Is it fear? If so, fear of what? Losing control? Having to face some stark realities about ourselves or our situations? I think that's part of it. I think it's also a fear of the unknown. The known, miserable as it may be, can be very comforting to us. At least we know what to expect there. We know the rules. The unknown? Well, it's just that: Unknown. The unknown can't be controlled or managed, so why go there? Still, it's into the unknown that Christ calls us. Our choice is either listen to Him and follow, Hide. Avoid. Deny. 

I heard a writer named David Terry say recently that, "Our journey with Him is a process we need to agree with." Agree with and yield to. Surrender to. Leave in His hands and keep out of ours. Few of us seem able to do this. We give lip service to His Lordship, but we're very reluctant to agree to the process of the journey He calls us to join Him on. We want details. Where are we going? How long will it take? Will there be rest stops? What are the dangers and what level of comfort can we expect along the way? Most of all, how much sacrifice will be required? If His answers are satisfactory, then we'll "agree" to it. He rarely, if ever gives any answers to those questions. Since we fear going forward without them, we run, hide, avoid, and deny. So we continue onward on our sure path of, at best, mediocrity, and at worst, disaster, with the latter most likely.

Throughout my ministry I've watched life after life and household after household continue on with such a path. I'm watching both do this as I write. I long to see them run to the protection, power, and abundance of Jesus, but instead, they run away. The Jesus who offers an abundance of life stands before them with arms wide open, desperate to give them that life, but they won't allow it. His heart breaks. My heart breaks. In the end, their hearts break. In the end I'm left with my original question that I still have no answer to. Yet I do have an answer. It is, it will always be....Jesus. He continues to call them, you, me, us, into His life. By His grace, I'll continue to call all to His life too. I'll grieve over those who reject it, but I'll keep reaching as He keeps reaching, knowing that some will respond to that call and join Him on the journey. To agree to accompany Him wherever He leads. Jesus calls with His heart and arms wide open. Make the agreement and enter in.

Pastor O

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