Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 Singer, author, and speaker Sheila Walsh tells of an instance in her ministry where she was speaking at a "Women Of Faith" conference and relating a story about her 10 year old son. They'd been in for a check-up, and after a number of tests, found some concerns in the bloodwork. She pressed the Doctor for more information and he told her that it might well be anemia, but there was a chance that it was leukemia. It would be another several days before they'd know for sure. Walsh, heavily burdened, went to the Lord and it was in His Presence that a number of emotions came forth. Anger, fear, sorrow, she opened them all to Him. The time came to return to the Doctor for the test results. It was anemia. She shared the story as a testimony of the wonder of His grace. Afterwards a woman approached her and told her that she also had a son and a problem had also shown up in his bloodwork. She said, "I got the other answer." Walsh, embarrassed and feeling she had offended the lady, began to apologize, but the mother stopped her, saying that there was no need for that. She said, "Whether you get the answer you pray for or the answer you dread, the grace is the same."

In this "name it and claim it" religious world we live in, where we seem to feel that blessing, abundance, and a carefree life are our due, even our right, such truth can be hard to accept. Most of us have often quoted 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you," but I think we quote it with the belief that His grace will sustain as we wait (comfortably) for the answer we want. Anything else is unacceptable. This attitude will always cause us to miss the deeper, deepest experiences of His amazing grace. Only the grace of God can take us through that which is humanly unacceptable.

I believe in the might and power of a healing, restoring, and prospering God. A miracle working God. I believe He does these things abundantly. I have observed them and experienced them. I have received so many answers that I prayed for, more than I prayed for. I have also gotten, like Paul in 2 Corinthians, who sought to have what was causing Him great anguish removed, the answer I dreaded. I didn't know why and He didn't explain Himself, but He gave me His grace...abundantly and extravagantly. The same grace that came with His "yes" came with His "no." In truth, it was in His "no" that I began to really discover the depths of His all sufficient grace. 

It may be that today finds you where you were yesterday and will be tomorrow; praying about some deep need or heavy burden. Your own particular "thorn in the flesh." His answer will come and my heart's desire for you is that it will be the answer you seek, but if it should be the one you dread, His grace will be poured out upon you. It will be mighty. It will be amazing. Amazing grace. It will be....His grace...for you.

Pastor O

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