Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 "I am the Lord, and I do not change." Malachi 3:6...."Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8....."God has not changed. The Bible has not changed. God's truth has not changed. The blood of Jesus has not changed. God still has the solution to our problems. Thank God that has not changed." A.W. Tozer

God has not changed. Christ is the same, remains the same now and through eternity. We read this, we hear this, and we say we believe this. Do our lives look like we do?
I often wonder what the first century church would have made of the message coming from most western pulpits these days. Indeed, what would our brethren in places like China, the Middle East, and many parts of Africa make of that message? What would they say about our view of the God we say we worship? Would they be attracted to the God and Christ we're speaking of? I remember reading the sobering words of an African believer who'd been brought to America by well-meaning friends who wished to "rescue" him from the difficult life he was leading in his village. After nearly a year here, he expressed his desire to return to that village. He feared that his faith life was dying due to the spiritual environment he was in and the "worship" he was experiencing. God was not real to him here. I ask, is He truly real to us?
I know that God doesn't limit Himself to only one way of relating and revealing Himself. He has infinite ways of doing so, but there does seem to be a common response when He does; people are overwhelmed by His presence, left speechless, unable to move or even remain standing in he awesome wonder of His presence, His holiness, His might and power. In response to all of this people were left trembling with awestruck fear, or simply fell on their face in worship. Scripture says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. We tend to think that speaks to having to face Him in judgement, but I believe it covers every true encounter with Him. Paul was struck blind on the Damascus Road when Christ appeared to him. John fell on his face before Him when Christ appeared to him on the island of Patmos. I am not saying that He has to do the same with us, but really, do we ever expect Him to come to us in such a way? When was the last time we were overwhelmed with awe by an encounter with Him in worship, be it corporate or personal?
Someone pointed out how we in a culture where we lack so little, have such a small idea of God, while those who are surrounded by need and want in less advanced cultures, have a steadfast belief in their God who they know beyond all doubt, can and will do all things and anything on their behalf. Could it be that in their simple yet powerful faith, they believe He really is the unchangeable One, that the Jesus they follow is the same for them that He was 2000 years ago? They believe that the God who parted the Red Sea is as alive and mighty for them this day as He was for the Israelites on that day. Why is that so hard for us to believe? Why have we tried to domesticate a God, a Christ, a Holy Spirit who cannot be tamed? Who will not be tamed.
If God has not changed, then we must face the truth that we have. Someone said that we have not sought to keep Him in a box, but in a leatherbound gilt lettered Bible. He will not be held there. He is Almighty God, wild and free. May we learn this anew, or perhaps for the first time. Come upon us Unchangeable God. Change us and forgive us for trying to change You.
Pastor O

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