Monday, November 7, 2022


 For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

A young woman in our church shared something she'd heard a preacher say recently. She said as he went before his congregation, he told them that he'd just purchased a book on witchcraft and that it was filled with various spells to cast on people. He said he thought the fellowship might be interested in hearing what was contained in those spells. The young lady went on to say that the preacher then said that he saw the countenances of his congregation change to those of fear and dread. They didn't want to be exposed to those words of darkness and evil. With that he told them he had bought no such book and that he would never expose his people to what such a book contained. He told them that he did wish to make a strong point with them though. He said that when he presented the idea of the book and the reading of its words, the people were immediately afraid of what those words could do to them. He asked them, "Why are you, we, so willing to give credence and power to the words of the devil and his kingdom, and yet we seem to have so little confidence and belief in the power of the Words of the Almighty God we say we believe and follow? Why did they? Why do we? Why do you?
Somehow, a great portion of the western church has drifted from the place of being anchored in His Word. If we are not outright denying great portions of it, we are living as if it had no impact or power in our day to day lives. We are putting more value and trust in the words of men than in the Word of our Creator. We are more and more resembling that generation Paul spoke of who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God and of His Word. We have Bible quizzing for our children and youth but are we modeling and teaching them a reliance upon the words they memorize. If we should claim a promise of God do we really have any expectation that the promise will come to pass? What words of His are we currently standing upon? What Scriptures would we consider to be our "life verses," words from His heart that we have entrusted our lives to, our families, and all that concerns us? What does it say about us that the words of men and of the present age are more real to us than His words? Hundreds of thousands of people attend church services where they hear the Word preached and give it passive agreement, and then go away each week with no intention or belief that what they have heard can actually be lived out in their life situations. Lord, give us an awakening to the power of Your Word and words.
To be blunt, the church in America is for the most part stagnant. In most places church growth is just a matter of people moving from one congregation to another. Why are we not reaching a culture that is dying before our eyes? Could it be that we are living a powerless faith that has no attraction to a people trapped in despair and hopelessness? Yet, in cultures outside of America where poverty, disease, and death are a constant presence, the church is growing rapidly. Great throngs are coming to Christ. The greatest part of the reason is that they are seeing a real Jesus, a real God, and a real Holy Spirit in the and through the lives of His people. They live in a power greater than all that is against them, and they come to the Christ that these ones model and live out. May it be that we live in such power, modeling such a life. May it be so in you, and may it be so in me.
Pastor O

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