Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Mantle

 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. Deut 18:18....."The days of Elijah are gone, but the God of Elijah lives today." Vance Havner

There are so many things expected of a pastor today, but I wonder how many of them are expected by God? CEO, outreach/growth guru, counselor and healer, conflict resolution expert, and more. In addition to all of these, there has been a growing emphasis to feature "the cool pastor," who projects the image of representing a "cool church," and even more, a "cool Jesus." 

The best example of this that I've seen came recently in a video of a pastor located in Arizona. He appeared to be in his mid-40's and was dressed in skinny jeans, what looked to be expensive athletic shoes, and sporting a trendy, spikey kind of beard and an earring. When I looked at him in his skinny jeans, I saw Big Bird from Sesame Street. Now, let me stop here and say I am not coming against any of these things. My problem is, have we gotten so caught up in projecting an image, particularly a youthful one, that we have forgotten what I believe is the single most important calling of a pastor, that of being a preacher/prophet? Have we forgotten that those called to the pastorate are also called to a pulpit? Have we forgotten that those called to that pulpit are to be spokesman for the voice, mind, and heart of God. Jesus said that He spoke only what He heard His Father speak. Is that the singular mark of a pastor ministering in the 21st century western world?

We don't have to try and "make Jesus cool." We just have to present Him as real. This means proclaiming Him as all that He is. Not just the Gentle Shepherd, but also as the Warrior King. Not only as the Lamb of God, but as the Lion of God as well. Not just as One who heals and forgives sin but as One who comes against and judges it. Not just as the One who calls us to and gives us life, but One who commands that the life be a holy one. The One who announces not only all that we have in Christ, but also the terrible end for all who ultimately reject what He offers and brings. The cool pastor and his cool Jesus might spark some interest, but they will not sustain it. Only Jesus as He is can do that. 

Jesus Christ was unafraid to proclaim not only who His Father God was, but was unafraid to proclaim who He was. He remains unafraid. So why are we? Why do we think we have to resort to a trendy, crafted, "look," when the real Jesus will draw those whose hearts are impacted by hearing His words, all of His words, and showing a desperate world who His Father is, what He calls us out of and into?

The Elijah God speaks of was one of God's greatest prophets. He called a rebellious Israel back to their God. The line of his prophetic sons is a long one. Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, Peter, John, and all the disciples. It continued down through the centuries in Luther, Bunyan, Wesley, and Whitfield, and on through Spurgeon, Moody, Chambers, Tozer, Havner, and Sparks. The line continues through to this day, but I fear there are fewer who take up Elijah's mantle, which is symbolic of his calling as a prophet. If you fill a pastorate today, are you also truly filling a pulpit? There's an old hymn with the lyric, "Let your mantle fall on me," referencing the cry of Elisha the prophet upon his mentor Elijah being taken up into heaven. Is it your heartcry? Is it the heartcry of your pastor? May His mantle fall upon His shepherds, preachers, and prophets. May it be His mantle, and not skinny jeans, earrings, and flashy shoes that mark them. May His mantle fall on me, and on you. On us!

Pastor O

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