Monday, September 12, 2022

The Towel

 4So He got up from the supper, laid aside His outer garments, and wrapped a towel around His waist. 5After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel that was around Him.… John 13:4-5

I'm not writing on what I first intended today. I wanted to write an exhortation calling on the church to "stand, fight, and pray" in these days. Those kinds of messages come somewhat easily for me, and I strongly believe in living out such a faith life. However, something Oswald Chambers asked in his devotional grabbed my heart and made me realize how much a part of our faith life it is as well. He asked, "Can I use a towel as He did?" Yes, I believe I can stand with Him, fight with Him, and pray with Him. Can I take a towel as He did and wash the feet of others as He did. Standing, fighting, and praying. It may be true that it is not easy to find others who will join us in that, but the deeper, more convicting question is, can He find us to join Him in the washing of another's feet?
To wash another's feet is to be in an extremely humbling and vulnerable position. In the culture of ancient Israel, a guest's feet were washed whenever they came into the home of another. The lowest servant of the household was given this task, and it couldn't have been a pleasant one, owing to how filthy the feet could get in those times. Jesús didn't think it beneath Him. Do we? Oh, we may be willing to do so a time or two, but as a lifestyle. The Apostle Paul said he was willing to be a doormat if it brought glory to God. Being a doormat holds little attraction for me, and I'm sure for you as well, but if He leads us into places where that is exactly what we must be for Him, will we be? If we are, how will we do so? Sullenly, with an attitude that shows we're above such things. Angrily, with the attitude that we deserve a much higher station than this? Few of us would do so joyfully, knowing that if He has placed in that position, it is for His glory, even if we can't see how it could be for our good.
Every pastor knows how difficult it can be to find people to serve in the church. It is even more difficult to find those who will do so with a servant's heart, a heart of humility. Many who serve in our fellowships often do so from the desire to have a platform. A place where they can be visible, seen, and applauded. Worship leaders and team members can easily fall into this. So can pastors. But what if He calls us to a place of anonymity? A place where no one knows we're there but Him. What if He asks us to assume the place of the lowest servant, the foot washer? What if He places us in the spot where no one notices, appreciates, or sees us...but Him? Will we go? Can we do so with a sweetness of spirit? There's an old chorus that goes, "In my heart there rings a melody." Can we serve in that place with such a sweetness, such a melody?
So, we come back to Chamber's question; can we, can you and I, use a towel as Jesus did? Can we serve as He did? Can we assume the lowest position and serve there? Or do we look for a better option, a higher place? He holds His towel out before us. Do we take it?
Pastor O

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