Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Random Thinga

Just a few random things from my prayer journal......

"The prince of this world approaches. He has no power over Me." John 14:30....There are "modernists" today who want to interpret all of Jesus' encounters with Satan and his demonic activity, especially as concerns demonic possession, as actually being cases of severe mental illness. This is a fallacy. In all of these instances, Christ identified who he was dealing with as a demon, even commanding them to give Him their names. He spoke many times of the reality of Lucifer, the fallen angel, and of his evil purposes against the human race that the Father loves. He often referred to the devil as the "prince of this world," meaning the Father, because of the sin of Adam and Eve had allowed Satan certain rights in this world and dominion over it, but the boundaries are set and controlled by Him. As Scripture says in so many places, "It is God who rules." So, the devil is real, but what we who follow Christ must know is that just like our Lord, "he has no power over us." Christ spoke these words to His disciples shortly before He was arrested and then crucified. He knew the enemy's full frontal assault had begun, but He also knew that it was His Father who ruled and was in control of all that would unfold. We must know this as well. Our enemy will approach us constantly and through many devices. He will seek to convince us we are helpless against him, but he can only accomplish against us that which we allow him through unbelief, disobedience, or ignorance. When we know who we are in Christ, we know we have His authority over the enemy. We know he will approach us. It's who He is. When we know who we are, we know he has no power over us. The power lies with the Lord we follow, believe, and trust. And in Him, we too have that power.

"So I am willing to act like a fool in order to show my joy in the Lord. Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this..." 2nd Samuel 6:21-22....."Are we willing to look like fools for believing Him....even in disappointment?"
David had been leaping and dancing before both the Lord and the people as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. His wife Michal disdained him for it. She thought such a display beneath a king. David didn't care at all about how foolish his faith and relationship with his God would look to anyone else, no matter their station. How about us? Are we willing to look like fools for trusting in Him when everything is against us? When it makes no rational sense to believe Him? When circumstances say we face nothing but impossibilities? We may say yes in all these, but there is one more; when He does not act in the way we expected....when we are disappointed with the immediate results of our faith.....when we look like complete fools before all eyes for our faith.....will we still trust Him regardless? Are we so surrendered to Him that no matter what the immediate situation may say or look like, and no matter how unreasonable our faith may seem, we are steadfast because "we know who we have believed, and we are persuaded" that He will, in His perfect time and way, come through for us, deliver us, provide for us, bring victory to us? Even when everyone calls us fools for doing so. Are we willing to have that kind of faith and trust? Do we have such faith and trust right now?

"Philip, don't you even yet know who I am, even after all the time I have been with you?" John 14:9.....Where, as followers of Christ may He be asking this of us, of you, today? Where are we doubting His character, His faithfulness, His power and authority?  How much more time must go by before we really know Him? Will we ever really know Him? Philip had asked Jesus to show them the Father. He was blind to the fact that everything Jesus had said and done had been His showing them the Father. He had told them plainly that when they saw Him, they were seeing the exact representation of His Father. Of their Father. He had been doing so directly for nearly three years, but Philip didn't yet see it. Didn't see Him. Do we? How long must He go on displaying before us who He is, coming through for us time and again? Doing His miraculous works, showing His wondrous love. Proving Himself faithful....before we believe Him? Before we trust Him?  How much longer must He go on putting up with our unbelief. Unbelief that, intended or not, slanders His character. Unbelief that says we don't really believe He is all that He has told us of Himself. Jesus said that "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." Have we ever truly seen Him? How much longer until we do?

Just a few random things to share with you today.


Pastor O 

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