Monday, March 7, 2022

The Return

  But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” Luke 18:8....."The early believers were not looking for something to happen. They were looking for Someone to come." Vance Havner

In my prayer journal I've written a question I came across in one of my readings; "What does Jesus' return mean to you? Does it impact your activities today?" How do we answer that? As we look around at the current world situation the talk of being in the last days is rampant. There is much talk of His soon return. I've learned not to make any predictions on that, but one thing is certain, He is coming back, be it soon or later. How is that impacting the way we live? What do our day to day activities look like to Him? Do we live with our eyes fixed not on the affairs of the world, but upon the One we say we follow? When He does return, what will He find us occupied with, our affairs or His.
Jesus asked His hearers if when He did return, would He find them, us, in a living, active faith? Would He find us with our hearts soaked in worship and in tune with His? Would He find us occupied with the affairs of His Kingdom, or preoccupied with maintaining and adding onto our own? Would He find our fellowships meeting in His name, but more interested in advancing our names? What do our activities really say about us? What stories do our calendars and checkbooks tell of us? What really is our passion? If He should return this Tuesday, what will He find us doing? What will He find you doing? I speak of something more than "church work." Will He find us living with passion and joy, or will He find us overextended, exhausted, and joyless. Ann Voskamp writes, "Busy is a choice. Stress is a choice. Giving yourself to joy is a choice. Choose wisely." What and who are we giving ourselves to? Are we choosing wisely? Some of the ones living furthest from Him are those working hardest for Him. It isn't the work we do that makes us faithful. It is the heart we have in the midst of doing it. A heart that counts all of it joy, regardless of the circumstances.
I think when He returns, He desires that our lives and hearts be found making a sweet song to Him. A melody to Him. In all circumstances. As Voskamp says, "Even the black keys of the piano make music." The life that is found faithful will make such melodies in all circumstances, because in all circumstances we are living for Him, with passion. We do all, even the most mundane things, for His glory. This is the faith we need to be found in. Will we be? Are we now? He will return. Whether it be in the midst of world chaos, or simply for us at the end of our lives, the condition in which He finds us determines our eternity. What will be my condition......and yours?
Pastor O

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