Friday, March 4, 2022


 "Build altars in the places where I remind you of who I am, and I will come and bless you there." Exodus 20:24...."The life that counts blessings discovers its yielding more than it seems." Ann Voskamp

The Israelites were a forgetful people. They were constantly forgetting the wonders God did among them. So do we. They often lived as a thankless people. So do we. They took His blessings for granted, and so missed them. So do we. They grieved His heart with the sin of their ingratitude. So do we.
There's an old chorus that goes, "Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done." A simple chorus that we simply mostly ignore. We don't count our blessings because most often, we don't notice them. He blesses us in seemingly numberless ways, but since we live with such a spirit of entitlement, we either don't notice, think them our due, or simply believe they're not large enough to dwell on. As a result of this, our faith never grows, so that we don't grow. Like the Israelites, when a crisis arises, we forget all His past deliverances, and crumble in fear and unbelief, or worse, accuse Him of being unfaithful to us. This was such a problem in the people of Israel that His hand of discipline was raised, and judgement would come upon the nation. Though we live by grace and not the law, we are foolish to think that our own ingratitude will not invite His discipline and judgement. He will deal with it. Maybe He's dealing with it right now. How do we avoid that? How do we learn to live lives of gratitude and thanksgiving? Altars. Building altars of thanksgiving to Him.
God directed the people to build altars to Him in remembrance of their strategic encounters with Him. Times when He revealed Himself, or delivered them, brought them victory, or fulfilled His promise. The altars were to serve as reminders to them of His faithfulness and power in their lives. They marked definite places where God had showed Himself faithful, almighty, and loving towards His people. They were also places where they would worship Him. They were to be reminders of not only what He had done, but of who He was, and that He was worthy, more than worthy of all worship and honor. The altars gave glory to God. The people needed to do this for His glory and their good. So do we, but are we?
When is the last time that you found an altar, if not a literal one, then a spiritual one where you put everything aside in order to simply honor, thank, and worship Him, giving Him the glory? Or, like a spoiled child, have you, we, been more likely to receive the blessing as our due, and like the overindulged child, simply throw the "blessing" aside like a child would a gift they place no value upon? And grieve the heart of the Father in doing so.
So many are living in a spiritual malaise, prone to depression and discouragement, even despair. Maybe to some degree you're among them. If so, where are the "altars" you've erected that honor and glorify Him for past miracles, deliverances, and provisions in your life? Where are your altars of worship that you can return to and worship Him anew? If they are few, or worse, if there are none, it is not too late to erect one now. Think on all that He has worked in your life, all the times where His light pierced the darkness, His peace broke through, and His deliverance was sure. Then, erect an altar there and worship Him. As He promises, He will bless you there.
Pastor O

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