Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Never Christmas

 1The wilderness and the land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom like a rose. 2It will bloom profusely and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.…Isaiah 35:1-2

In my prayer journal, I have an old prayer that I have asked the Lord to bring to fullness in both the fellowship I serve, and in His church as a whole. It simply reads, "Lord, may Your church be a place that offers spring to all those lives trapped in winter." There are many whose lives seem to be trapped in a perpetual winter. The promise of spring never seems to come or be realized. All around them, and even within them, seems to be held in the grip of winter, where nothing seems to live. C.S. Lewis describes it as a state where it is "always winter, but never Christmas." For many, that is their life. Might it be for you at this time, even for some time?
That's why the promise of Isaiah 35:1-2 speaks so deeply into my heart. I know something of a life trapped in winter. It brings me back to memories of my time during the first months in the awful ordeal of the collapse of my marriage. For a time, I lived on a church campground, just as fall was heading into winter. The only other souls on the grounds were the camp caretaker and his wife, who I rarely saw. To me, it was a real place of desolation. Yet, even in the desolation, He was with me, and time and again, at my loneliest, He would appear with His comfort, assurance, and hope. He'd whisper into my heart the promise that one day, my personal desert would blossom with flowers. My life would bloom again with joy and singing. In the darkness, He brought His Light. In the hope of His promise, I could press on.
That brings me to my prayer. During that time, He never ceased to wash over me, refreshing me, ministering to me. Sadly, I didn't often find that to be the case with His church. I don't speak that with any kind of anger or judgement. I was a pastor going through a divorce, and in those times, I don't think many in the church knew how they could minister to me. Nevertheless, I know it is His will that in any situation, His church should and must. Thankfully, we have grown much in such areas, but we need to grow so much more.
I remember a period in my life, held in the grip of depression and hopelessness, walking by a church in the city neighborhood I lived in. I tried the door, not really knowing what it was I sought, just knowing that I sought something, anything. The door was locked. Now, I know the need for doing so in days that even then, were filled with lawless people, but in my need, I thought a church would always be open. Physically locking doors may be a need, but too many churches have locked their spiritual, emotional, and personal doors against those, who like me that day, are wounded and need healing. We've grown out of touch with the world He raised us up to minister to. All those lives trapped in winter. Lives that we, who have access to the One who offers Spring to each and every one of those lives. The church is to live out each day, the words of Isaiah 35:1-2. Is your church doing so for you? Are you doing so in your church?
So many are living a life that is always winter and never Christmas. May we, the people of God, the Body of Christ, the Church, in the power of His risen life, offer Christmas, Spring, to all those trapped in winter. May He, through us, make lives that know only the barrenness of the wilderness, bloom with life, singing, and joy. It's why He's placed us here. May people, through His ministry through His people, sing again, laugh again, live again.
Pastor O

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