Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Real Jesus

 Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He really is. I John 3:2 ......."I want Jesus. The real Jesus." John Eldredge

I know the apostle John speaks of a future time in the above verse, but I believe that the promise of that verse can also be realized, as fully as possible, right now. We in the church, as well as those in the world, are in desperate need of seeing Jesus "as He really is." We need Jesus, the real Jesus. Not the hippie Jesus, the cool Jesus, the inoffensive Jesus, the tame Jesus. Though the world and a too large segment of the church seek to present Him as such, He is none of these. He is no domesticated Lion. He is Jesus, wild and free. As C.S. Lewis wrote in The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, He is not safe, but He is good.
Our flesh likes to come up with a Jesus we can live with. A Jesus who doesn't intrude too much upon our personal lives, business, and conduct. He's always at our disposal, but we are not at His. This Jesus understands our weakness and makes great allowances for it. He doesn't speak much about sin, or holiness, or the need for repentance. He does talk a lot about having a positive self-image, and our having as much material and financial blessing as we can. He came to not only save us, but to give us good lives that contain as little suffering as possible. He makes few demands, and He knows His place. This Jesus also keeps silent about His cross. He bore His, but we are never expected to bear ours as well. Yes, this is a Jesus we can live with. The problem is that such a Jesus doesn't exist, and Jesus, the real Jesus will not, cannot live with us on such terms.
More, the real Jesus exhibits real, supernatural power. He does miracles, and He often does them through His people. The real Jesus has no limits on His power, the extent of His rule and of His victory. The real Jesus will not keep silent about injustice or corruption. The real Jesus doesn't fear the consequences of proclaiming truth. The real Jesus doesn't fear confrontation or the conflict that can arise from His confronting ingrown darkness with His brilliant light. The real Jesus is total Life conquering total death. The real Jesus can't be kept in the pages of a Bible, or a box, or a tomb. The real Jesus is always free to be fully real to you and to me
Only when we see and receive this real Jesus will a lost world be able to see Him through us. He is both Gentle Shepherd and Mighty Warrior. He is the Loving Servant as well as Majestic King. He invites us to freely come to His Presence, but to do so with fear and trembling. He is Savior, but He is also Lord. He forgives, but He also judges. He is Christ the King, and our need of Him has never been greater.
My heart resonates with the longing of Eldredge's. I want Jesus, the real Jesus. Do you? Or, will you seek the one who is more user friendly to our flesh? One is real, the other doesn't exist. Which does your heart long for?
Pastor O

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