Wednesday, January 20, 2021


"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8
....."Nothing....can perturb the one who is built upon God." Oswald Chambers
Throughout Scripture there are so many instances where the Father says in essence, "I Am God Almighty." He says this to His people in seemingly endless ways and in every kind of situation. With this being so, you would think that we, His people, would live in a steadfast confidence in this truth. So why don't we? Why don't you?
To be Almighty means that there is no limit, no boundary to His power. No limit or boundary upon how He can and will work. No limit upon the means He has of bringing deliverance, meeting a desperate need, or invading hopeless circumstances. It also means that there is no opponent that He has not already overcome. It means that all the power of the devil, his demons, and his hell cannot, never could, and never will, defeat Him. And if this is true of Him, then it must also be true of His people, you and me, as we live in Him.
So many people came to Christ with what were, in their and others eyes, impossible situations. One such in the Bible presented their desperate need, and asked, "If You can do anything, please help." Jesus replied, "If I can? All things are possible to him who believes." This is the crux of our problem. We have such a struggle to believe. We doubt His ability, and worse, His willingness to help us. Jesus said that nothing is impossible with God. I've a friend that said we need to move from the realm of possibility thinking, which limits us to what we think is possible, to the place of thinking that nothing is impossible when God is the center of the equation. This makes us look not at the impossibility, but upon the God of the impossible. This is what it is to live in the realm of Almighty God. My heart longs to live there. How about yours?
So many of us are looking at these days of darkness seeing only the darkness. God would have us look for His Light. Light that overwhelms all darkness. His Light may only appear as a small blink on a far horizon, but it is His Light, and it is Almighty Light. That which appears only a pinprick of light is mightier than all the darkness of this world through all the ages of this world combined. God challenges us to live in that truth in the face of circumstances that completely deny it. Will we be up to that challenge? Only in Christ will we.
These are four words that I want to hear moment by moment if need be: "I Am God Almighty." I want to hear them in all of my need, as I face all of my giants and mountains, as I step into the darkness. In Exodus, it was said of Moses that "He stepped into the deep darkness, where God was." Let us hold fast to that truth. However deep the darkness, let us not fear it. Let us step into it, knowing that in it, we will discover He who is already there, and who is Lord over all darkness. Himself, God Almighty.

Pastor O 

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