Monday, July 20, 2020

Missing Jesus

"But Thomas....was not with them when Jesus came." John 20:24....."Don't miss Jesus. It makes a doubting Thomas." Vance Havner
I just listened to Larry Norman's classic, "I Wish We'd All Been Ready," which is his heartbroken lament over all those who will miss the return of Jesus Christ because they will not be ready. Not ready to believe, to receive, to embrace and live for Christ the King. That will be a terrible tragedy for all those not ready for that great day. For them, it will always be too late. I too wish that we're all ready. I pray we are ready now.
Yet there is a deeper meaning in this Scripture and Havner hits on it concerning Thomas, the disciple who doubted the report from the other disciples of the risen Christ. He wasn't there to behold Him, and so doubted the words of the other disciples. Havner makes the point that Thomas went another week before he too encountered Christ, and in that week, he, in comparison to the others, was an unbeliever. He missed Jesus, but in His mercy, He was given another opportunity to see Him. He didn't miss that one. Now here's a point for you and me; where are we missing Jesus? Where has He shown up in the events of our lives, and yet we've missed Him? Where has He appeared with the purpose of taking us deeper into our faith lives and experience, but we weren't "there" to behold Him? What act beyond belief did He intend for us but we missed, and so, as concerns that, do we remain, like Thomas, "unbelievers?"
I'm convinced that most of us miss Jesus on a regular basis. Thomas was meant to be with the other disciples when Jesus appeared, but something kept him away. What keeps us away? What is it that is so important that it will keep us from missing His appearing before us, to us, in ways we've never known? Here in our 21st century western belief system, the supernatural and miraculous remain as suspect to us in as they do the unbelieving culture around us. Thomas missed Jesus because he wasn't expecting Him. We miss Him because we have no expectation of His miraculous presence and activity in our lives. Someone said we believe little so we see little. How true is this of you and me? Where are we missing Him because we're not looking for Him? Where has He appeared but we weren't present to behold Him? And note, this can happen not just outside of our worship gatherings, but in the very midst of them. We're to worship Him in Spirit and in a lifestyle. Yet multitudes of us gather weekly in His name but rarely, if ever, experience the power of His name.
Something distracted Thomas from Christ's desire for him. We don't know what it was. Grief? Anger? A desire for vengeance? Whatever it was, it caused him to miss Jesus, and though he got another chance, I doubt it had as deep an impact as what he would have experienced if he'd been where Jesus wanted him to be.
What distracts you today? Likely there are many things, relationships, people, jobs....ministries that are. Are there any that can compare with you have the experience of His fullness, His life, His presence? Are any of them worth missing Jesus for? If they continue, what will be the cost?
Pastor O

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