Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Heart Tracks - Send The Fire

"For our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:29....."God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!" William Booth
There's a remarkable thing about fire; we love it, and we fear it. Most love to sit around a fire on a cold night. A burning fireplace brings great comfort. A fire burning in the darkness give us a sense of safety and well being. We're drawn to fires. At the same time, we're repelled by them. No one wants to perish in a fire. People flee for their lives from house fires, forest fires, raging fires of any kind. We love fire, and we hate it. We're like moths drawn to the flame, but never entering into it, for if we did, we'd be consumed.
On the West Texas church campground that I served on in the early days of my ministry, a constant presence were the mosquitoes. In the center of the grounds, where people would gather at night, there was an old, gigantic pecan tree. In its branches were hung "bug zappers," whose light drew the mosquitoes to it. The brightness drew them to it, but when they got too close, the hot light would incinerate them, burn them up. Does it offend you to know that this is exactly what He means to take place in us when we come to, cry out for, pray for, the fire of God to come?
Many believers and churches pray for revival, but what is it that they really want? Better, more lively services? Gatherings that generate excitement, draw bigger crowds, and really bring a sense of something new.....for a season. This is not revival. In the Old Testament and New, God's fires consumes....completely. It doesn't leave anything "half-baked." God's fire is the Holy Spirit, and His Spirit is not interested in just attracting us to His burning flame. He doesn't just desire we come near the fire. He calls us to enter into it....and be consumed....burned up. There is nothing half way about it. Revival happens when His people place themselves, all of themselves, on His altar, and His fire falls upon that offering and altar and consumes it. God isn't interested in having us come and watch fireworks displays. He wants His Holy fire to be at work in us....from the inside out.
Listen to the words of William Booth. No, listen to his heart. He doesn't desire that the fire of His Spirit comes near, but upon him, upon His church. He doesn't want a Spirit that puts on a pleasing, senses centered show. He wants the fire, the holy fire, that consumes...all of him, and all of the church. Do we want that as well? Or, will we content ourselves with being moths? Always coming near to the flame, but never flying into it...and being consumed in its fire.
Pastor O

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