Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Heart Tracks - Rushing Wind

"On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus' resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting." Acts 2:1-2
Evangelist James Robison has said that too many of today's preachers are "standing in their boats, blowing on the sail." He meant that they were trying to duplicate the wind of the Holy Spirit by their own efforts. They seek to "fill the sails" of their ministry with their own breath while being empty of the breath of His Spirit. The result is, and will always be, futility, powerlessness, stagnation. We are losing the consciousness of the Holy Spirit in our churches, even those who were grounded in the very ministry of His Spirit. Francis Chan wrote a book titled "Forgotten God," detailing this, and in many ways, the Person and work of His Spirit has been forgotten. We may mention Him from time to time, but the reality of His Presence is either taken for granted, or missed altogether. Someone remarked that it was remarkable how much the western church has accomplished without the Holy Spirit. This was not a compliment. They meant that we've built and filled buildings, raised money, established ministries, yet as regards spiritual transformation, have missed out on the real work and Person of the Holy Spirit. We rely on corporate models, church growth experts, marketing ideas, and superstar personalities. In short, we rely on everything and everyone except His Holy Spirit. The results of this are killing the church.
Someone said we are Holy Spirit centered fellowships afraid of His Holy Spirit. When His Holy Spirit comes, everything, agendas, plans, even how and when we come together, changes. He leads, completely, and we follow, completely. We are submissive to His Spirit, and quenching His Spirit is guarded against in every way. We seek to have biblical order, but at the same time, balance. When He moves, it can look strange, and even chaotic to our natural eyes. This is why it is so deeply important that we have those with real spiritual discernment and wisdom in our midst. The root of it all is that He must have free reign in His church. There must also be a corresponding hunger for His Spirit in the hearts of His people. Someone said that if there is anything you desire more than being filled with His Spirit, you'll never be filled with His Spirit. Those are sobering words if we take the time to think on them.
If you're a pastor/preacher today, who's wind fills your sails, your own, or His? Indeed, as to the heart of each today, what wind do you rely on, the weakness of your own breath, or the almighty power of His? Can we dare to ask ourselves if the "boats" we've so meticulously constructed are going anywhere at all? Can we cease exhausting ourselves in a journey to nowhere, and allow, no, plead and cry out for a fresh exhale of His Spirit? It is time. We all know what we can do....nothing, no matter how shiny it may appear. May we now behold, maybe for the first time, what only He can do, by the mighty wind of His Spirit in our lives, homes, and churches. Keith Green had a lyric that went, "Rushing wind come fill this temple, blowing out the dust within." Too much dust has gathered in our hearts, and in the heart of His church. May His rushing wind blow all of it out.
Pastor O

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