Monday, January 4, 2016

Heart Tracks - Vertical Life

  "So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of My return." Matthew 25:13....."I will climb up to my watchtower now and wait to see what the Lord will say to me...." Habakkuk 2:1

History calls it "The Battle of Britain." It's the story of how a small, highly skilled group of RAF pilots fought off the overwhelming number of German bombers and their escort fighters who were intent on beating England into submission and defeat in the second World War. These Royal Air force pilots lived in a state of constant readiness, able to respond to the first sighting of the approaching enemy. An enemy that always found them waiting as they arrived at the shores of England. I see it as how the Church must live in its relationship with her Lord. Not only as concerns His return, but for literally every word He speaks and is speaking to us today. And I believe He is speaking much.

I have become weary of all the debate and controversy within the Church over the Lord's return. Of when that will be,and how it will take place. Will there be a rapture? Who is the anti-Christ? Is he already among us? It's not that it is wrong to ask these questions, but it seems to me we have gotten far more concerned with who's right and who's wrong then with hearing and knowing what the Lord is saying in the midst of it all. We think we have much to say in all of it. So much so that we can't hear what He is saying right now. Jesus is always speaking a "now" word to us, but I wonder how many of us are really listening? I doubt that the RAF pilots spent a great deal of time in the Officer's Club discussing when the next wave of bombers were coming and of what type they'd be. They instead lived ready, watching the sky for when they did come, and the result for them was victory. 

I'm not writing here about living with an obsession about His return or the manner in which it comes. I'm talking of living with a focus on hearing the words that He speaks to us right now. Jesus said His word is our life, but we seem far more content debating about what that Word is or means, than actually listening to that Word as His Holy Spirit speaks it. Habakkuk said that he would climb up into his watchtower and await to hear what the Father might say to Him. Obviously, he wasn't content to stay at ground level for that word. He needed to be in a higher place, above the everyday noise and busyness of that ground. I think the reason we hear so little from Him is that we continue to live at ground level spiritually. We can't hear or discern His voice in the noise and clamor of everyday life. 

In the Old Testament, the Father said that He did nothing without first speaking to His prophets. Much as many would like to ignore that Testament, I don't think this has greatly changed. He is speaking today, and as Jesus said, those with ears to hear will discern what He says. And speak it. We need to, must, live in readiness. Ready to hear, obey, and act on what He is speaking. We need to be standing in our own spiritual watchtowers as concerns our lives, homes and families, and above all, the Church of which we are a part. Lifting up our eyes, as He commands us throughout His Word. Yes, I want to be ready when He comes, regardless of the manner of His coming. Just as much, I want to be ready to hear when He speaks. And He is speaking. 
I think there are two forms of life for His people. We will live either horizontally or vertically. One only sees what is directly around and in front of us. The other looks up, beyond this plane, and sees and hears face and heart of Christ in all of it. I want to live the vertical life. Not ground level life, but Kingdom level life. Too many seem content with the ground level life. Few seem to seek the Kingdom level. Who will we be found with? The many, or the few?

Pastor O

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