Monday, January 25, 2016

Heart Tracks - It Is Written

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be (written) on your heart." Deuteronomy 6:5-6......."But Jesus answered him, 'No, for it is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.' " Matthew 4:4

"It is written." This is a phrase that is familiar not only to those who belong to Christ, but it is found in many kinds of philosophies and religions. There are countless works of literature and film that use the phrase, "It is written," as part of the natural dialogue. So what makes for the difference between the words that are written in the Bible, and words that have been written and spoken in so many other books and venues? For me, I think the answer lies in how we answer this question; "Where is that word written?" Is it a way of thinking that we seek to adapt to our lives? An ideal we try to live up to? Or is it more? Something much more. The answer is what marks the difference between flesh centered religion, and a Christ as our life relationship.

We humans are quite good at committing things to memory, especially words. We can see it everywhere in the church. I have heard people quote Christ's entire Sermon on the Mount, which is truly impressive. Through the years I have met many who have little trouble bringing forth scriptures to make a point, validate a view or conviction, or just simply seek to impress. We are skilled at remembering and using words, especially His Words. The Pharisees of Christ's day certainly were. They knew the law of God and could quote it at will. Obviously, as shown by His exchange with the devil in His desert temptation, Jesus did as well. So what set Jesus apart from the Pharisees? It was the simple truth that for the Pharisees, His Word remained written on stone tablets and papyrus scrolls. Christ was and is the Word made flesh, the Living Word. And that Word emanated from His heart and through every part of His being. It was who He was and is. The Pharisees could quote the above scripture from Deuteronomy 6. Jesus was its living embodiment. Are we? Does Christianity just present another religion of ideals, or a living faith that flows from within? A living faith that has as its source, Christ. Which are you and I living today?

Where does the Word of God abide in our lives? No, we don't have stone tablets and papyrus scrolls, but we do have gilt lettered, leather bound containers of His Word. We know how to get it into our heads, even upon our lips. Does it truly live within us? When we speak it, preach it, teach it or write it, is it coming from a living witness and experience? Or, does it sound more like a theory we believe in, but lack the power to prove? Believe me, those who hear what we say, preach, and write, know instinctively whether what we proclaim comes from a life that truly does live on every word from His mouth or not. Those words of life are written on our hearts by His Spirit and they are alive in our lives. When we communicate in any form, it is with His Holy Spirit power that the Words come forth. Listeners are left with the choice of either receiving or rejecting, but one thing will be sure, they will know in some way, as it was said in Old Testament times, that a prophet has been in their midst. A spokesperson for the Father, with words that offer life, healing, hope, deliverance, and salvation.

The Church and the world are not in need of more speakers of words. They need those who speak and live IN the Word of God. Who live in and upon it. Will we be such people? If we are of the Church, do we truly live and speak a witness that brings life? If not, will we allow it to move from our leather bound Bibles into our hearts of flesh so that it may resonate through our lives to a starving world? And if you are in that starving world, will you receive the living word, the bread of life found only in Christ? He speaks to you through those words and lives now..... It is written. Of that there can be no denial. Is it written upon your

Pastor O

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